Chapter one : Butler killed the Monarch

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"Tonight, one of you will take my life,"

All shenanigans stopped at once as the monarch Astrid uttered these words; the room was packed yet if you were to pass outside for these few moments, you would be none the wiser to think it was empty. The Silence broke once again when Astrid had asked to speak to Harth (the lead royal knight), not one person took a moment before they began to point fingers (at Bartholomew the servant no doubt).

The castle had interesting figures inhabiting the halls with unique personalities and Harth was no exception; she would talk in a usually emotionless sounding voice unimpressed at everything and very violent when on the job, yet she would make sure to keep respect for everyone. You will never catch her wearing her full-on amour but instead plain black trousers and shirt complete with some amor heavy gloves and shoes and spear heads for shoulder pads and patches of  leather crests medals , she did not need it though she was more than capable, in fact she was more than capable since so young that her shadowed past is one of the greatest mysteries of the castle.

The first person Harth brought in was the jester, Halobean. Needless to say, Halobean was quite thrilled to talk to Harth, she always was, yet sadly Harth's investigation came up empty; despite being a jester Halobean was treated well, was loved by the castle, and puffy hair and clothes were neatly kept still in the clashing vibrant colors and her multitude of party hats neatly stacked in her room, with no motive and no other straightforward evidence for a crime that has not yet been committed Halobean was let go.

The next suspect was Zak the royal chef, Harth let him go for lack of evidence or communication he would never be seen around ever his hatred for the monarch always led him to the kitchen where he would spend most his days, while that could make him a prime suspect Harth checked the kitchen and his room and found no remnants of poison.

The third suspect was the servant Bart, let us just say Harth was a bit rougher on her... "Should you really be qualified for doing the investigations Harth? Someone who stabs as many people as you should be a prime suspect.," Bart snarled at Harth, "Cut the shit Bart, I know it was you" Harth slammed the note on the table, it read 'Butler did it.' Bart met Harth with a laugh, "While it is true my official title is butler no one here, especially Astrid, would ever call me something so fancy."

Bart sniffed when she talked, had ratty hair and a damaged face paired with her crime sprees, her annoying ability, the snot and dirt over her face and dog-like nature no one would ever think highly of her, not even her unwilling wife. She was right no one would ever call her that, Harth dismissed Bart wondering what butler could have meant she gone on to meet others.

Harth had never met Slyvester the musician until today and she still had not, from what she knew he was quite reserved and would spend most his time in the forest, he was modest and had never actually spoken straight forward to the king only performed in backgrounds. Slyvester and Harth would eventually first meet later, she would understand how important he would be to the palace, he would eventually grow close to the rest Harth and him would grow especially close, at this time however Harth would move on to talking to the next on her set list by the king.

Coleman the librarian was interesting... what clearly was an alcoholic should not have been allowed to run a place with files as important as the ones contained here, yet still here he is with either the plainest hangover face staring at you from across the 180-foot-long room or a terrible singer that makes you want to do unspeakable gore to your own ear, Harth got zero information and was mildly irritated.

Kate is an interesting gardener, she spent most of her time with the frogs yet that would never show in her work ethic or ability. Her life was based on the frogs she loved so dearly so much that her clothes were inspired by them. You would be surprised when you see her light-ginger well looked after hair instead of a frog-colored wet ratty one, she gone on rambling on in the interview. Harth left to go on to the final two suspects.

As a knight, Harth would see Michelle the blacksmith a lot to fix her sword and the two eventually grew close, her appearance was a mixture of her role in society and casual clothes. She would be happy with talking both casually and fancily and it has paid off, her skills and personality made many royal families hold her in high regard including the butler family... this is when Harth knew.

Three people in the castle shared the last name of butler: monarch Astrid, monarch Cyrus and Harth herself, who was raised by the monarch since a kid.

Astrid was immature and was 'unworthy' according to Cyrus's parents after regretfully arranging their surprisingly happy marriage, Astrid was blonde with dyed streaks in their hair, very informal clothes including ribbons, flowers not fit for a monarch.

Cyrus was mature, responsible yet still fun. They were more shark blooded than anyone else in the castle and fitted with accessories made for a person in their position with royal clothes.

Is it true that one of them would kill Astrid? Suicide?
Lover's murder?
Did Harth do it?

No matter what, no one had a truly clear motive. The note was given by Astrid himself... Astrid was calm throughout the entire day; did that have something to do with it?

Everyone was anxiously waiting for Harth to come back with the culprit's name in her mouth, they waited for three hours, before Harth came back Astrids last meal was ate and his last laugh was performed; Harth eventually came back as the room fell silent Astrid smiled and sent everyone of to bed.

The next day came.
Astrid had died.
No one was arrested.

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