~Chapter 4~

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I walked out the dressing room after telling Sakura off.

I notice everyone was crowding on the bleachers. I saw the guys on one side and the girls on the other. I walked up to see Chie, and Temari talking. "Hey Myia," Temari waved. "Hey Temari," I said sitting next to her. After a few minute Hinata, and Tenten came up the bleachers and sat next to me, Chie and Temari. Everyone was now ready for class. "OKAY MY STUDENTS!!! Today we will be doing the pacer test of YOUTH!!! Now today we will be doing partner pacer test, but tomorrow we will be doing the advanced pacer test! Now let me go over the instructions. "Hey Myia you got a note it's from Sasuke," Tenten said giving me the note. I took it and read it it read:

Wanna be my partner for the pacer test thing

I grabbed a pen from my gym bag. I wrote down:
Sure duck butt

I passed it back to him. Well technically I passed it to Temari who passed it to Chie, who read it then passed it to hinata, who passed it to Naruto, who passed it to Kiba, who passed it to Neji who then passed it to Sasuke. "Chie what did it say," Temari asked. "He asked if she would be his partner for the pacer test and she said sure duck butt," Chie said giggling. Our group of girls began to laugh. "Is something funny about what I am teaching," Coach Guy asked with his hands on his hips. I looked at him. "Oh we weren't laughing at you," I said. "Then who or what were you laughing at?," he asked. I smirked a devilous smirk. "Well some guys in the class said they were better at you in youth and we were laughing cause that was not true," I lied. The girl caught on pretty quick and nodded. "WHO SAID THEY HAD MORE YOUTH THEN ME?!?" Coach Guy exclaimed. "Kiba," Chie said. "Shikamaru," Temari said. "N-Naruto," Hinata said. "Neji," Tenten said. "and Sasuke," I said smirking. The guys glared at us. We smirked. "And they said they can do 50 push ups more then you," Chie added. Coach guy clenched his fist and raised it in the air. "Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, and Sasuke come down here now!," Coach guy yelled. We smirked. The a kid who looked exactly like coach guy except smaller came up to the guy group. "COACH GUY I THINK WE SHOULD MAKE THEM DO FIVE THOUSAND PUSH-UPS!," The kid said. Me and Chie sighed.We got up out of our seats and went to the kid and coach and the guys. The coach and the replica were compromising how to make the guys miserable. I tapped coach guy on the shoulder. And he looked up at me. "Mrs.Syro aren't you suppose to be doing the pacer like everyone else. I would ,but me and the girls partners are over here," I said pointing to the guys. Sasuke smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Well you will have to wait I have to prove who is the strongest and more full of youth!," coach guy said. Is this guy serious. "Umm... how about this we flip a coin for it. Heads the guys and us do twenty push-ups and get the rest of the school day off or tails we have to do push-up the entire class period," Chie suggested. I looked at her bluntly, but then she slyly smirked at me. "Fine," he said. Chie took a coin out her pocket. I smirked. She flipped it. I got in push-up position cause regardless the outcome we do push-ups. "HEADS!!!," Chie cheered. I rolled my eyes. "Well then that's twenty push-ups for all of you then your are dismissed from school the rest of the day," Coach muttered annoyed that he lost. I noticed all the guys got in push-up position and did push-ups with one hand. "show-off," I muttered. They looked-up at me and smirked. We got done doing our push-ups. We walked over to Tenten, Temari and Hinata explaining the situation and then we happily walked over to the girls locker room to change. I change back into my original clothing. I walked out with the Temari, Chie, Hinata and Tenten only for us to be stopped by Sasuke. Neji, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba smirking. We looked at them confused. "We are gonna get you back for what you did," Kiba said. My eyes widened. "Girls run for it!," I exclaimed. We ran to Chie's car in the parking lot. "I think we lost them..." I said catching my breath. "Myia I want to go to your house to see what it looks like," Tenten asked. I shrugged. "Sure we can take Chie's car," I said. We all cheered. I got into the passenger seat while Chie got in the driver seat. Tenten, Temari, and Hinata are in the back. We drove off to my house.

"Hey Myia isn't that Sasuke's car in your driveway," Tenten asked. "Yeah why?," I asked. "Doesn't that mean he is at your house," she asked. "Yeah...," I said. "Why is he here?," she asked. "Long story.....," both me and Chie said. She sweat dropped. I got out the car as did everyone else. "Wow you got a big house," Temari said. I sighed. "Yeah I know I got lost finding the bathroom last night," I said. The girls sweatdropped. I unlocked the door and opened it. I opened it and saw it was dark. All the blinds were closed so no sunlight was coming in. The only sunlight in the house was when I opened the door. I turned on the light and walked in the house. "Hello Sasuke you here," Chie called out. I set my thing on my table. "Something doesn't feel right," I said in suspicion. Next thing I know it gets dark and we all get jumped. 

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