~Chapter 25~

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~~~~~~~~~~At home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm at home getting ready for a performance that came out of no where. Itachi said he was going to pick me up. Sakura is over helping me get dressed in the outfit Konan made for me. "Hey Sakura do you wanna help me with my performance," I asked. "What do you mean?" Sakura asked. "Well I want you to be in the performance tonight. You know sing with me." I explained. "Sure but what will I wear and I don't even know the song," she said. "Well Itachi is coming in 2 hours so I can teach you the song, and then you can wear something of mine that Konan made for me as a backup dress," I said smiling. "Okay," she said smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Itachi's Here!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I finished teaching Sakura the song and she smirked because it was about Sasuke and I just rolled my eyes. "You really like Sasuke don't you," she asked smirking. "Maybe I'm still waiting for something from him," I said. "What is that?" she asked. "secret," I said smirking. She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever," she said. We walked down the stair and saw Sasuke and Itachi. I looked at Sakura confused. She was confused as well. Sasuke and Itachi looked shocked at me and Sakura. "What?" both me and Sakura asked in unison. "Why is she here?" Itachi pointed to Sakura. "Were cool now, and she's going to do the performance with me tonight" I said smiling. "Pein won't be happy," Itachi said. "I don't really care," I said shrugging. "Fine everyone in the car," Itachi said. "So what song are you guys gonna be singing," Itachi asked. "Secret," both me and Sakura said in unison. We walked in the car and Itachi said, " can we get a preview." I thought what part we could sing.

I whispered in Sakura's ear of what we should sing. She nodded and here is what we sang as a preview.

[Myia] He said I'm worth it, his one desire
[Sakura] I know things about 'em that you wouldn't wanna read about
[Myia] He kissed me, his one and only, (yes) beautiful Liar
[Sakura] Tell me how you tolerate the things that you just found out about

I smirked cause Sasuke frowned. He knew it was about him. I got in the car. Itachi smirked because he knew it was about Sasuke as well. Sakura got in the car afterwards. "So Sakura what do you plan on doing to get my brothers attention?" I asked her. "I don't I was hoping he would be here tonight to see the performance and that might get his attention," she said. "Well let me see......... you have the looks that my brother likes. He likes unique hair and a girl with an ass." I said. Everyone was looking at me with a what the hell look. "WHAT! It's true..." I said realizing what I said. I got a text from a random number. It read:

Tsunami why do you keep writing songs about me
saskue333 [~Sasuke]

I texted back saying:
I don't know what your talking about
He almost immediately texted back saying:
I smirked and texted back:
You're right I was lying

Sasuke sighed and texted back:
look I'm sorry Myia I...... didn't mean to hurt you.

I smirked again and texted back saying:
I know Sakura told me

Sasuke looked at me confused and I just smirked. I texted Itachi and he texted back:

I can't text while driving
I texted back:
You're doing it now

He glared at me in the rear view mirror. I smiled innocently.
He just went back to driving.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Performance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Me, Sakura were back stage waiting at this club like place. We were sitting in these chairs. Pein and Madara arguing about whether Sakura should stay or not. Sasuke was sitting across from me reading this magazine. "Sasuke you still haven't told me why you're here," I said. He looked up at me from the magazine. "The same reason why you are here," he said. "You're here to see a whole bunch of guys scream your name?" I asked smirking. "I'm here to sing idiot!," he yelled. I smirked at him temper. "Oh that makes sense what are you singing," I asked. "It's a surprise," he said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "Next up Pink Fire with her friend Sassy Pink!!(Sakura's Name)," the announcer said. We
went out on stage I saw Sasuke sitting out at the bar waiting to hear what song we were singing.

(So in this video Sakura is Shakira, and Beyonce is Myia. And every time in the video that says Beyonce or Shakira replace it with Sakura and Myia)
Everyone was cheering. I got a text when I walked off stage. It was from Sasuke it read:
So you think I'm beautiful *Smirk*
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked off stage and saw Sasuke waiting for his performance. I walked up next to him and said, " Like the performance."
"not as much as you'll love mine," he said smirking.
"Whatever," I said. "Next up another new comer Sasuke Uchiha!!," the announcer said. I smirked, "looks like you're up." "I hope you like the performance," he said. "We'll see...." I said smirking. He smirked back and went up the stage. He looked up directly at me and smirked then began playing his song.



I looked at him amazed. And he mouth the words "Let me love you."

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