Chapter 45: He is jealous again...

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Arrived at Liyue,

"Welcome to Liyue, Scara!" we have arrived in Liyue Harbor! Oh, how I miss this place.

He looks around, amazed by the place of Liyue, "So this is Liyue, huh. How nice and neat." 

"You'll be more amazed in other places in Liyue. This is still the beginning." Paimon says.

"This is still the beginning? Alright, I'll wait for the upcoming places. Oh, and you two said that there's a business you want to do, right? How about you do your business while I look around Liyue Harbor?" he asks.

"Uuh..." Paimon looks at me like what he said it's misunderstood.

"Umm, Scara, we're...we're so sorry that we lied to you back in Inazuma," I said nervously.

He frowns at me, "Lied? Are you? Cause I don't realize-" he stops then he speaks seriously at me, "Oh, I don't realize. Of course, everyone who lies to someone, someone will not realize they are lying to them. *Sighs*, I ever told you, right?"

"Bitter tea without poison is better than sweet tea with poison, yeah, I get what you told me," I said giving up.

"Then speak, what exactly second lies you told me?" he asks.

He looks at me seriously, not like earlier, and still smiles cheerfully. This guy suddenly gives me creeps, I'm goosebumps now.

I tell everything and Paimon also helps me a bit with my explanation, Scaramouche seems so serious just because of that. I don't know why suddenly he's like this. 

"Hmm...ok then." he just said that.

"Do you...forgive us?" I asked.

"That's the truth you told me and not too special, so why do you ask that?" he says.

"Huh, you're right," Paimon says.

"Alright, as we are done with that, can we have a walk in this place? I'm very want to explore more!" his behavior begins to be cheerful again, like a little kid and that makes me happy to see him like that.

We're like his tour guide now. Exploring Liyue Harbor here and there and took almost one or two hours for us just to do that. I mean I know Liyue Harbor is a pretty big place, but just walking normally makes me and Paimon tired.

Man, it's still Liyue Harbor not yet the other places in Liyue again, like Paimon said, this is still the beginning. 

The sun begins to set the fire on our heads, which means the hot weather is disturbing us while walk. Huh, never had this feeling before in my life. Even if I walk or run in somewhere open area and the sun's flashing me, I'm always alright. But gosh, this time is different.

"W-wait, Scara. Can I...take a break for a while?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, I am too. No joke, I feel tired now." Paimon says.

"Oh? Why not, it's finished anyway, right? You two did explain a lot in Liyue Harbor. So, you can take a break of course." he says.

"Thank you, but how did you're not tired at all?" Paimon asks.

"*Chuckles*, you forgot me? I am a puppet and feeling tired is rarely for me to feel. seems I never felt tired. How magic, isn't it?" he says arrogantly.

I and Paimon just look at him lazily, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, you puppet." Paimon says.

We go to the Wanmin Restaurant and order food and drink. The three of us happily eat together while talking (gossiping of course). After a while break, we continue our journey.

"Hi, Y/N! Paimon!" suddenly somebody called us.

We turn to who just called us then we see a man with blue tidy-cut hair and yellow eyes with a black outfit in Europe-Chinese design, guess who it is.

"Xingqiu!" I and Paimon were surprised by his appearance.

"Hello, both of you. And...I'm sorry who's this?" his eyes catch someone and of course it's Scaramouche.

"Oh, this is Scaramouche, our friend. He goes with us now because he wants to explore Liyue Harbor. He's like a tourist." Paimon explains.

"Ah, nice. Welcome to Liyue, Mr. Scaramouche. I hope you enjoy your vacation." Xingqiu says.

"Thanks," Scaramouche answered shortly.

"So, what is it, Xingqiu?" Paimon asks, "Oh, I just want to give you both something. Here." he offers me and Paimon a package with a dark pink color and beautiful motifs tied neatly.

"Huh? For what you give us this?" I asked, "Do you still remember that you two helped me with the investigation of treasure hoarders back when you were still in Liyue?" Xingqiu asks.

"Oh, Paimon's remember! The treasure hoarders that want to steal your book property, right?" Paimon says.

"That's right! I want to give you this but I'm too late. I heard that you both went to Inazuma," Xingqiu says.

"Oh, it's fine. Thank you so much, Xingqiu." I thanked him, "Yes, thank you very much, Xingqiu!" Paimon thanks him too.

"It's nothing. Take it, it's all yours. But I have to go now, there's still something I have to do. What a coincidence I brought those packages and see you in Liyue Harbor again." Xingqiu says, "Goodbye, all of you!"

"Bye!" I and Paimon said then he left us.

"Woohoo! Xingqiu just gave us a fortune!" Paimon says, "Hell yeah! Let's open it." I said.

I and Paimon open the package and we were surprised by what we saw.

"Mora!" Paimon says, "And...a letter?" I said.

I took the letter and read what the letter said, 

"Thank you, Y/N and Paimon. You did a great job and besides me who appreciates your work, my family also appreciates you. If you have spare time, you can visit Feiyun Commerce Guild to see me. I'll treat you in Liuli Pavilion for your gift. 


How sweet of him, thank you for that.

"Oh! See, Y/N? Xingqiu's gonna treat us in Liuli Pavilion! Isn't that great?" Paimon says excitedly.

"Bullshit." suddenly Scaramouche takes the letter that I grab then ruffled the letter. After that he tears the paper smaller and smaller then he throws it to the air.

"What the fuck, Scara?!" I'm shocked to see his behavior like that.

"He said that just because he's very thankful to you. *Sighs*, can we continue?" he asks.

"No, before you tell me what's wrong with you earlier," I said looking at him sharply.

He already walks a bit away from us but then hearing my words he turns around at me, "I don't want any man to treat you that sweetly. Only I am doing it."

He starts to walk away from us again and his words make me blush again.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I run towards him meanwhile Paimon just laughs looking at our situation now.

Does that mean he...jealous, again?


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