Part 4.12

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Even with her tresses returned to their natural black colour, there's no mistaking the person at the door for anyone else.


Addy throws her arms around her mother, but immediately jumps back.

Was her mother's outfit...hissing at her?

Queen Irine wears a sleeveless one-piece pantsuit in sunshine yellow. It boasts a figure-hugging bodice and flared pants, and the queen looks great in it, but it isn't the pantsuit that's hissing at Addy.

Spiralled around Queen Irine's neck is nothing other than a dark green snake. Its head peeks out from under her ear, hissing with all the menace a charm could muster.

"Do you like my choker necklace?" Queen Irine beams. "Cerberus Designs has really outdone itself."

"It's wonderful, Hami," Addy lies.

Queen Irine glides into her daughter's quarters.

"Hami, your arm!"

Addy was so busy looking at the snake, she hadn't realised her mother's right arm was wrapped in bandages.

Queen Irine waves Addy's concern away. "Animal attack," she explains. "It is nothing to worry about. The doctors at Zilitron General assure me I am healing nicely. I am seeing them as an outpatient."

Addy's worry fails to disappear. "Does it hurt? Why didn't you tell me? Where have you been?"

"Oh, here and there," Queen Irine replies, taking a seat on Addy's couch. "Nowhere special."

Addy goes to take the seat next to her, but hesitates. She eyes the snake. "Does it bite?"

Queen Irine blinks. "Oh no," she says. "Only when it is angry."

Addy decides to take a seat at the opposite end of the couch.

"Speaking of animal attacks." The smile vanishes from Queen Irine's face. "You were the victim of one as well. I know what happened in the Laran Valley, shari."

"I wasn't hurt," Addy insists.

"You could well have been."

"Lily wouldn't have let that happen."

"Lily is the cause of -" The queen quickly collects herself. A smile pastes itself back on her face. "Kadrea is becoming a dangerous place, shari. Why don't you and your fiancé take the opportunity to travel? There is much to see in Sactaphrane."

"Hami!" Addy cries. "He's not my fiancé! We haven't even been dating that long." A horrible thought dawns on her. "You didn't use the word fiancé in front of him, did you?"

"No, of course not. I've always referred to him as your boyfriend." The queen frowns. "I think."

Her answer doesn't do anything to settle Addy's stomach. "Anyway, Kadrea isn't getting dangerous," she tells her mother. "Lily has stopped using magic. She thinks it will prevent the dark power from coming out."

"That is wonderful news," Queen Irine says.

"It's terrible news, Hami," Addy corrects. "She wants to resign from Witch Doctors Inc."

The queen succeeds in holding back her happiness, but only barely. "And is it working? Is this dark power of hers gone?"

"Oh yes," Addy says. "Which should mean the First Witch is gone too."

Queen Irine's expression turns sour. "The First Witch? Lily's original self?"

"Yes. She's threatened to return on All Hallows Eve."

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