Chapter 43

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"I'm not yet sure of when I will be back at the academy, I still need some time away from everyone. I can only imagine the way that the four of you have been mobbed and received. And after having to make all of those kills... I'm just not ready for that or those people hounding me constantly yet. But I will be back, eventually. As I said, I was whisked away to my father, by Dimitri, and he is still here with me. As you know he is my soul mate..." I smiled at Dimitri again, when I said that he is my soul mate, a smile in which he very happily returned.

"... and we both need time together to reconnect with each other and to heal after what just happened. And they haven't told you anything because they don't know anything to tell you. But when we get back to the academy Dimitri and I will explain everything, I promise. Not the first day, of course. But we will explain everything to you guys in time. Tell Lissa that I am fine and that she does not need to worry about me I am just taking some time for myself for a change. And as we agreed, please don't tell anyone about Dimitri yet I want to be the one to tell the others. If you need someone to talk to about any of what happened, talk to Adrian, he is Mitya's cousin. Or when my mom gets back to the academy you can talk to her. As my mother Alberta knows everything as well."

"All right, I understand, and you have my word that I will keep your secret for as long as you keep mine." He reminded me of our pact, and the way that he did it I could tell that he was alone.

"Thank you, Chris. Mitya and I both really appreciate your discretion in this matter and your friendship immensely."

Dimitri nodded against my stomach again making me smile down at him once again.

"You are both very welcome."

"During my debriefing it came to light about Tasha's plans for herself, you, and Lissa. Along with everything else that has come to light about her."

He sighed deeply. "I figured that it would. On the flight back to the academy the other's and I all agreed to keep that all a secret until I could figure out what to do about it. But it's fine I understand, I was going to ask your opinion on what I should do. If I should inform the authorities as to what she has planned, and what she's been doing, or not."

"Well, that is actually why I am calling. My father is furious, as are my mom, my uncle, Mitya and I and we were all discussing what should be done to and about her right now. But we all wanted to get your opinion on it before we made any final plans."

"Thank you for that Rose."

"You're welcome, Chris. She is your aunt, your family, and her plans also included you after all."

"Apparently, she hasn't ever really been my family, not for the entire time that I have known her it seems. As for what to do to or with her, I want her permanently away from not only me and Lissa, but also from you and Dimitri. As well as everyone else that any of the four of us care anything whatsoever about. I want her permanently away from anyone and everyone that she could ever use against any of us."

"That is a long list, Chris."

He audibly sighed, "I know it is Rose. I know it is."

"So, are you saying that you want her to be put on trial and locked up for the rest of her life? Or perhaps compelled to forget that we all even exist? Or are you saying that you want to ere on the side of super caution and want her dead?"

"I don't want you or Dimitri to kill her Rose, I don't want that on either of your consciouses. I don't want either of you having to live for the rest of your lives with that on your consciouses or her blood on your hands. You both already have more than enough to live with without adding her to it. And if we were to use compulsion on her, she could probably have it reversed or break through it somehow eventually. Which would endanger everyone that you and I both care about even more. As for possibly imprisoning her, if we did that then she could compel someone to break her out. Or she could even kill someone at the prison and turn herself into a strigoi anyway. Which would endanger us all even more. I have been thinking a lot about this ever since Isaiah told us about his affair with her, the plans that she has for Lissa and I and all of that other stuff."

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