Chapter 42

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Roza stood up from her chair, walked over and stood in front of me between my knees and took my face between her soft, delicate, protective, and deadly little hands.

"She is obsessed with you, Dimitri. Dangerously obsessed, it would seem. Remember the way that she reacted to my mark on your neck?" She asked as she ran her delicate and soft fingers over where she had left her mark on me almost a solid week ago now. Which thanks to the quick healing of the dhampir was hardly visible anymore.

"And, for the safety of our future children, she is going to have to be dealt with by someone... unless you want me to deal with her myself. I thought that yours and Adrian's idea might work, but I don't know. I am just not sure if you can compel that kind of obsession and crazy out of someone who is as bat shit crazy as a yeblya dodo bird or not." (fucking)

"Yes, I remember. And no Roza moya, not only as the future queen can you not do something like that. But as the woman that I love more than my own life, and the mother of my future children I do not want something like that on your conscience detka. If you killed her in cold blood, then it would haunt you for the rest of your life detka. And you do not deserve to have to live with that because of her. Plus, it would end up ripping you away from me and our children someday anyway. At least mentally and emotionally. I still have a small sliver of hope that our idea will work. If we can just find someone who is strong enough in the compulsion area." (my, baby, baby)

Not knowing about the idea that Roza and I were talking about, except for the compulsion just not how, Abe spoke up with his own idea. "Why don't I get someone who works for me to compel her to forget anything about Dimitri, except for him being an old acquaintance. One that she doesn't really care if she ever sees or hears from or about ever again."

It was basically the same idea that Adrian and I had had just a little bit more extreme. And detailed to forget everything that we needed her to, not just to not have a bad reaction when she finds out about Roza moya. (my)

"Is that even possible?" I asked my future father-in-law as I lay the side of my head against my Roza's stomach and wrapped my arms around her hips. Just as she wrapped her arms around my head gently and held me against her.

"Yes, he is a spirit user himself, so he is VERY powerful at compulsion."

"That must be something that all spirit users have in common because Lissa is... out of this world with her abilities of compulsion." Angel moya explained about Lissa's exceptional powers of compulsion. (my)

"I guess that would indeed be a commonality between spirit users then. Because Adrian's abilities with compulsion are better than I have ever seen or even heard about until now." I informed our gathered group.

"So, it would indeed seem that amazing powers of compulsion is one thing that all spirit users have in common." Pavel agreed and the rest of us just nodded in agreement.

"So, you said earlier that you and spirit users have some of the same powers Rose dear. Does that mean that you are also exceptional at compulsion as well?" Abe inquired of his daughter.

"I don't really know baba; I've never tried to use compulsion before. I have never used magic until Adrian was training me a few days before Chris and I left the ski lodge. I didn't even know that I had any type of magic before Adrian told us." My beautifully breathtaking boginya shrugged as she explained to everyone not previously in the know. (daddy, goddess)

"We understand that Rose, it's not like you would have cause to imagine that you had magic of any kind. You are after all the very first dhampir that I have ever even heard of that has any kind of magical ability. So, it would not be unusual for you to assume that you do not indeed have any kind of magical ability. Just like all other dhampir in the world."

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