Chapter 32

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"That's all that I needed to know."

He turned to me. "You know exactly what I am capable of Dimitri. So, you know, better than most, exactly what will happen to you if you ever hurt her again. And with her being my kiz bebek it will be at least ten, if not one hundred thousand, times worse than anything that you can even possibly begin to imagine." (baby girl)

'Again.' So, I guess that means that he knows that I had hurt her in the past. Either that or he just assumed, because most men unintentionally hurt the woman that they love at one point or another in their lives. But whichever way it went I just hoped and prayed that he didn't know, and never found out, just exactly how severely that I had hurt her in the past.

"No, no threats are necessary Prince Badica; because Roza moya is my world, my life, my everything. And nothing, nor anyone else in the whole entire world, will ever come before her, or ever mean anywhere near as much to me ever again. She is it for me, as I said, she's my everything."

"Except for our children." Roza reminded me gently and insistently as she informed everyone else present of the fact that we could have children of our own someday, hopefully semi soon.

"Yes, of course my dear, except for our children. Just as we promised each other."

I saw both Abe's and Pavel's lips twitch when I said, 'yes, of course my dear' to Roza moya. But I didn't care because she smiled radiantly and triumphantly up at me, and that was all that I cared about. Her being happy, healthy, safe, and sane is of the utmost and of the most vital importance to me. And it always will be. ALWAYS. (my)

"I can't believe that I finally have someone to threaten someone else on my behalf. Instead of me having to do it not only for myself but for everyone else as well."

Abe and I just laughed.

"Rose dear, you have sooo many people who are going to start putting you first now that we have finally found you. Dimitri and I are just the very beginning I assure you. Once we get to know each other better, I will call in the rest of our family and ask them to come and meet the two of you. Because if Dimitri is going to become a member of this family, then they need to get to know him as well."

"Him as a guardian, or him as the real true him?"

Abe looked confused.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean." He said as he shook his head.

'Which is most likely very unfamiliar territory for him.' I thought to myself amusedly.

"My name is actually Prince Dimitri Trystant Payton Belikov Ivashkov. I found out about that a couple of years after the incident."

Abe smiled happily after nodding his comprehension. "You are Tati's secret great nephew?"

"Yes sir, that would be me."

His smile grew. "Wonderful! She's already told me so much about you, but she never actually told me your name. She said that she didn't want to take the chance that someone could overhear us and put you in danger. She is going to be sooo excited because there hasn't been a royal wedding of this magnitude in... Oh my, it's been over a hundred years easily since this big of a wedding has occurred." Roza and I both smiled at him.

"Yes, she is very protective and secretive about me. And yes, she will insist upon everything being WAY the ad over the top." He and I both laughed at that because we both knew that it was the truth. (hell)

"Do you have any idea when you can bring your true identity out of the shadows? Well, that is to be expected because it will be the wedding of either the current, at the time, or the future queen and king."

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