Chap 23, Candy Carrier Chaos! part 1

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   "Hey Pomni, How'd you sleep?.." Ragatha asks, knocking softly on Pomni's door.  Caine had announced he had a new adventure today and wanted us to ask if Pomni wanted to join.

   "Maybe she's still sleeping... Let's leave her alo-" Right as I was talking, Pomni cracked her door open. "Oh! Good morning Pomni!" I said excitedly..





   We easily convinced Pomni to come with us, So Caine explained the adventure. Bandits had stolen maple syrup, Candy Canyon Kingdom's most valuable resource, and it was up to us to retrieve it for the princess.

   "An entire kingdom of candy? sounds sticky.. " Bubble added, putting more emphasis on the word 'sticky'... 

   "Very sticky indeed!" Caine said in agreement, looking over to Bubble.

   "Sounds [BLEEEEEEEP!!!]" Bubble cursed, saying some VERY dirty things in the most innocent way ever, literally saying dirty slurs for 6 seconds. 

   "Bubble, you cant say that..." Caine whispered to bubble, in utter shock.

   "Hm, Sounds like something we did last night..." Jax bent over and whispered in my ear, I didn't see him but I knew for a fact he was smirking his purple tail off..

   "Shut up!" I kicked him in the knees, though I knew my face was burning red.

   Caine later on pushed us in the portal to the Candy Kingdom. We were transported to a land ENTIRELY made from sweets.. 

   As I sat on the candy made carriage, I also looked around rapidly. The scent of waffle cakes and frosting filled my nose, lowkey making my head hurt. I sat next to Jax, The gummy elephant pulling us towards a giant waffle cake castle.

   Secretly, I poked at the whipped cream and tasted it quickly... 'Ew... tastes like ass.. Caine should fix that.'  I thought in my head. 

   Then I heard a chuckle next to me, "Heh, Couldn't help yourself, huh?" Jax teased, resting his hand in his palm, gazing at me.. I scowled at him and turned around, rolling my eyes.

   Once we got through the gates, we all got off the carriage. There was a whole bunch of different colored mannequins clapping and jumping on the sides. 

   Gangle was talking with Ragatha and Kinger until a purple mannequin came and harshly pushed her, screaming; "LOOK!!!! ITS THE PRINCESS!!" making her comedy mask fall off.  

   Hm, Always wondered what will happen if I hammered an NPC into the air... I angrily summoned my hammer and sent the NPC straight into the sky! Making a 'BOOM!!' sound. I immediately felt better as I saw all his parts glitch and break in the air, like a firework.

   I went back to my girl and helped her up. Then, the princess came out of her waffle castle.

   "Ah, You must be the brave knights sent to us by God.." She said in a sweet voice, looking up at the sky as if she saw God. "To help us with our recent catastrophe!" 

   "That's us, ma'am! Your kingdoms awesome, by the way. Love the vibe!" Ragatha complimented the Princess.

   "Hehehe! I like you already!" The princess giggled.

   "Look, Pomni! We're friends with the princess!" Ragatha said in an upbeat way, trying to cheer Pomni up. 

   "I'm not a child, you don't have to hype me up." Pomni deadpanned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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