Chapter 6

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As General Mustapha walked down the corridor, his mind wandered to the day Abdullah told him to tell Kulthum that her son was in the hospital. At first, he was sceptical about the whole thing, but when he told him that he wasn't really planning on harming the little boy, he became convinced.  All he had to do was to tell her that her baby boy was in the hospital and Abdullah would deal with the rest. Everything was going according to their plan until he asked for her home address.  

General Mustapha couldn't rap his head around the fact that the Crowned Princess no longer has feelings for him anymore and is even married to someone else.  Even if he hadn't asked for her information, he would have done his own digging because it doesn't make sense to him. They weren't divorced yet, so how can she get married again?  The time Abdullah woke and Kulthum was seated to close him, he could swear that he saw the undying love she had for him in her eyes. And what proved his suspicion were her tears. 

Naturally, she wouldn't be crying over any patient of hers, but why him? Though she claimed that she no longer has feelings for him why then was she crying and holding onto his hands like her life depended on it or that he might disappear the moment she let's go of him. He knew right from start that she still loves him and no matter what the case maybe, she doesn't have the heart to assign another Doctor to look after him for her but still he had to have a back up plan. 


“I am hoping everything is alright, Doctor?” Kulthum questioned, tired of the edgy feeling she was having. 

“I heard you assigned Doctor Laurel to take over your patient? What is that?” Doctor Wilson asked, a little pissed. 

“Professor, I have many other patients and surgeries to take care of. One patient can't stand in the way of that” she defended

“I understand what you mean perfectly, but considering the fact that you operated on him yourself, I want you to take good care of him because not just because he is your patient but because he is the owner of this hospital and I require my best doctor to take good care of him that way, I know he is in good hands. If something were to go wrong anywhere, we would be facing a lawsuit, and I am not ready for that now. Do you understand, professor?”  She nodded meekly, accepting her fate the way it came to her. She tried her very best to be as far away from him as possible, but each way she turned, it would always be the same result. A dead end. 

But how does he own the hospital she works in? He wasn't even a doctor to begin with, so how come? She wondered. 

“If you don't mind, Doctor, please be available because you wouldn't know when you are needed. For now, your schedule has been cancelled. Until you nurse him back to health, you can't perform any surgery for the time being” 

“Doctor Wilson?!” She gasped, “you can't do that to me please” 

“I am sorry, Doctor, but I have already made up my mind. Nothing you can say or do will change it” 

“This is not fair. You are taking this too far professor” she felt like she was having an asthma attack. Her lungs hungry for air due to anger. She was very angry and frustrated that moment but there was nothing she could do about it. The more she was trying to talk Doctor Wilson out, she more he made up his mind. 

“Fine, but only if he needs something urgently will I be there for him. I have my kids to take care off I can't be at his deck and call whenever he wants” she fired 

“Sounds fair” he smiled at her. “But why are you so adamant about treating Mr Abdullah? Are you perhaps acquainted with each other?” He couldn't help his curiosity 

“That is something I wouldn't like to talk about Professor” she lowered her gaze. 

“It's alright, Doctor, you may leave” 

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