Chapter 4

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It was him wasn't it? She saw him didn't she? She saw Abdullah! She…. She saw  him. She tried clearing her head. Maybe she was seeing things because she was tired from the impromptu surgery she just did. Why all of a sudden? Why now? After she had started to seek things out and her life was going just as she had planned six years ago he decided to show up and ruin it for her, again? 

No, she just needs a very long and deep uninterrupted rest. All this is just in her imagination. She sighed as she eventually calmed down. 

“Mummy?” Jenna called, plopping the candy she was taking in and out of her mouth. 

“Yeah?” Kulthum answered, not looking at her. She was slightly angry at the little girl for pulling her little stunts back there. 

“Did you happen to know that handsome uncle back there?” 

“No I don't, and don't talk about it any longer. Do you understand?” She warned

“Yes mummy” the little looked up at her mother practically confused. She was expecting an earful from her but instead, she is just unusually quiet. “Mummy are you alright?” Jenna couldn't help but ask. Her curiosity always gets the best of her. 

“Jenna, what did I say about going with strangers?” And here comes the mom she knows. She sighed. Kulthum was battling with mixed emotions, on one hand she was trying her best to assure herself that she didn't see Abdullah and on the other, she even saw him with her daughter and for once they actually looked like they knew each other and that scared the hell out of her. She wasn't angry at Jenna for going with a stranger though she was, she was just scared that he might take her away from her. 

“I am sorry mummy, it won't happen again” Jenna apologized with a very long face. Now that she wasn't allowed to talk about that handsome uncle, she won't get to tell her mother what he told her even though she was dying to say so. Kulthum phoned Anisah and told her to come back to the car for she had seen Jenna and when she eventually did, they drove back home. 

“Your highness, I have something to tell you. I saw his Royal highness together with General Mustapha back in the school” Anisah said when they got home and ushered the kids inside. 

“Yeah I also saw them too, Abdullah was with Jenna the whole time” Kulthum sighed heavily. 

“Are you alright, your highness?” Anisah asked, she looked at her skeptically. 

“I am alright Anisah, you don't have to worry. Why don't you go take a rest? We all had a very long day” Kulthum said, laying down slowly on her bed and shutting her eyes to have a nap. 

“Yes your highness, as you wish” Anisah bowed and left. On her way to her room, she recalled vividly the day his Royal highness ousted Kulthum from the palace. To her, that day would forever be a nightmare to her because she had never seen Abdullah act that way ever in her life. 

As she left the palace, Anisah decided to leave with her but it was against the rule so she had only one option. 

To create a reason for her to be banished from the kingdom. 

“Your highness!” Anisah shouted for the first time since she started serving Kulthum. “You listen to me now, I will not leave you alone, especially not now when you need someone by your side. So the orders and authority you have over me means nothing to me right now. You can punish me afterwards but I am not leaving you no matter” 

“Anisah….” Kulthum sighed. “Why are you not understanding? The more you stay around me the more trouble you would be getting yourself into. So please do me a favor and stay away from me. I don't want you to end up dead. You are practically committing treason here” Kulthum said, tears springing out of her eyes. She doesn't want to stay away from Anisah. She loves her with all her heart, but she wouldn't put her life at stake for her selfish reasons. 

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