Seeing Double

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Sam, in his Falcon gear and Bucky right behind him, marched up the stairs towards the roof to the north plaza. Karli was there, waiting for him, and she didn't look pleased that he didn't come alone. Too bad for her because she took things a step too far.

"You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?" He asked, the upset clear.

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better." Karli said, moving forward. "I see you didn't come alone. That's okay, because I have a little extra insurance." She added, bringing out her phone.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked carefully, taking a quick glance at Bucky.

Karli held up her phone and there on the screen was a sleeping Nellie. She was on the concrete floor, laying on her side, her hands zip tied behind her back. She looked unharmed, but the fact that Karli had her to begin with put both Bucky and Sam on edge.

"Where is she?" Bucky demanded, moving forward but stopped at Sam's wordless insistence.

"What did you do to her?" Sam asked.

"She's not hurt. Not yet. I actually quite like her." Karli said, putting her phone away. "I don't want to hurt any of you, actually. You're just a tool in the regimes I want to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless."

"Then why'd you take Nellie?" Sam asked. "That's not going to get you what you want."

"It will. If you want her returned to you safe." Karli said.

Bucky clenched his fists to keep himself in check. If he reacted the way he wanted to right now, she could very well give the order to kill Nellie. Karli had all the cards right now, and she knew it.

"I was going to ask you to join me or do the world a favour and let me go."

"So what? Join you or let you go and Nellie lives and you leave my family alone?" Sam asked.

"I'd say that's a pretty fair trade. Don't you?" Karli asked, as if this was an everyday bargain.

"Hey Sam." Sharon came in over the comms. "New Cap is moving. It looks like he's found them or they found him."

Sam looked down at the mini computer on his arm and saw the coordinates of where Walker was located. He snapped his head in Bucky's direction, "It's Walker!"

Bucky jumped over the railing and was going to make a run for it but Karli didn't come alone either. He was tackled and pushed into the wall the moment his feet hit the ground floor. Sam started fighting Karli and ended up on the ground floor as well.

When the two men stood back up from being knocked to the ground, Sam turned to Bucky. "Go. I'll send you the location. I have a hunch Nell might be there too."


I blinked my eyes open. I was a little bleary eyed and dizzy from whatever happened. All I remember is this really sweet smell and now this. I tried to move my hands to push myself up but they were stuck behind me. I was tied up. I looked around me the best I could and saw that I was in a rather large bathroom, and the floor was wet. The left side of my face was laying in a small puddle that had formed on the moist ground and my hair was stuck to my face. It was uncomfortable.

I rolled to my other side to see if I could get a better view of the room I was in and nearly jumped at the body that was laying a few feet away from me. It was Lemar and he was tied up in a similar fashion. It looked like he had been knocked out but seemed to be coming around if the groans were anything to go by.

"Lemar, hey. Lemar." I coaxed. "I need you to regain yourself a little faster than that."


"Yeah, it's me. You alright?"

Shadows (BuckyxOC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin