I Love You Tons, Kiddo

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I flew overhead just as Thanos knocked my dad out and had Thor's ax at the Asgaurdians chest. That mini missile didn't even make a dent. I tried shooting him with the quinjet guns but it also had no effect and Thor was about to get an ax through the chest.

"Should I come down?" I asked.

"Stay where you are, Nell. We need the vantage point. Besides," Steve said, suddenly wielding Thor's hammer and throwing it at Thanos, "I got this." It knocked Thanos off his feet and out of the way.

"No way!" I was stunned.

"I knew it!" Thor said proudly.

Steve and Thanos went head to head and Steve asked me to stay back; he had a score to settle with the purple alien. Steve was doing so well I actually thought he would win this fight, especially since Steve was able to call forward the power of thunder just like Thor as well. But Thanos started fighting back harder. Even grabbed his double-edged sword and sliced Steve's leg and chipped his shield.

"Steve! Let me help!" I exclaimed.

"Stay where you are, Nell. I wont lose you too." Steve panted before Thanos gave one last heavy swipe and knocked him a few yards away. For a moment he just laid there, catching his breath. I could tell his will was dwindling.

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You're going to die without help. Tell me what to do." I pleaded as I watched him roll over and push himself up with as much effort as I've ever seen him use.

"Just... stay... there." He said.

"In all my years of conquest..." I could hear Thanos. He was speaking loud enough for me to hear through Steve's communication device. "...violence... slaughter... it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying, little planet... I'm going to enjoy it... very, very, much."

As soon as he finished his little doomsday speech, bright lights started shining and out of them came Thanos' army. It was huge and it was a joke to say we were only outnumbered; we were already dead.

"Screw it Steve. If today is the day I'm going to die, I'm going to go out fighting." I said into the comms as I hovered above him.

"Alright... alright." He said to me as he finally pushed himself to his feet and tightened the strap on his arm that held his shield in place.

He started hobbling forward, prepared to take another beating from Thanos but stopped when there was a blip in the comms. It sounded like... but was it possible? Then we heard it again.

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

"T-tweety Bird? Is that really you we're hearing right now?" I asked.

"On your left."

I turned the quinjet slightly to see what was happening and a majestic portal opened up. Out stepped King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje and although he was a sight for sore eyes, Sam flying in from behind him had me almost in tears. Then it wasn't just one portal it was hundreds of them and all the people that were lost 5 years ago, stepped through, ready to join us in the fight.

Suddenly, the battle didn't look so bleak. We had an army. Special forces from all over the globe... no... all over the universe were banding together, to take Thanos down. It was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

"AVENGERS!" Steve shouted, filled with new determination, "assemble."

"Oh heck yes! Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted and started shooting at the opposing army with the guns provided at the quinjet.

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