Don't Disappear

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6 Months Later

The last six months have been hard without my dad, Steve, and Natasha, but just like Uncle Rhodey said, I was getting used to a new norm. One of which had me living in New York City. Greenwich Village, to be exact, which is just south of Central Park. I had a modest, cute two-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen, a great room and a den. I didn't want anything large and extravagant. I was only one person, and I got used to small living in Wakanda.

I decided to wait awhile before deciding where I wanted to work. New York had a few private hospitals that the name Stark definitely had some weight in, but public hospitals, although pay less, are where the real needs are.

Whatever I decide to do, it seems I'll have my pick of the crop though, because I have amnesty here in the US since I was a detrimental component in the fight and defeat of Thanos. Secretary Ross came to me personally and dropped all charges against me with a notarized letter from the president. I was no longer an enemy of the State and could do anything I wanted. I just didn't know what that was anymore.

Currently, I was curled up on my sofa with a cup of coffee and a book, with the TV on low. I was reading The Shack by William Paul Young and it was heart-wrenchingly phenomenal. A man struggling with his faith after the abduction of his 6 year old daughter only to come out renewed at that end. Although I've always remained steadfast in my beliefs, I can see where the father is coming from. It would be so easy to stray in the aftermath of what happened, but for me, it only brings me closer to the Lord.

Just as I flipped the page to start a new chapter, I caught a familiar face on the TV. Sam was in D.C making a speech. I placed my book down on the coffee table and grabbed the remote to turn the volume up.

"Steve represented the best in all of us." He began, "Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he mastered posing stoically." I chuckled because it was true, Steve had a knack for that. "The world has been forever changed. A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after five years away, sending the world into turmoil. We need new heroes." Sam said sternly, "Ones suited for the times we're in. Symbols are nothing without the women and men that give them meaning. And this thing." He picked up Captain America's shield. "I don't know if there's ever been a greater symbol, but it's more about the man who propped it up and he's gone. So today we honour Steve's legacy. But also, we look to the future. So, thank you, Captain America but this belongs to you."

I watched, mouth open, as Sam handed the shield over to the Smithsonian curator who put it inside a glass box. He did what! I picked up my phone and called Sam right away. He didn't answer at first so I called again and again, until on the fifth try, he finally picked up.

"What are you thinking! Steve gave that shield to you, Sam!" I snapped, not even bothering with hello.

"You saw the broadcast." He sighed.

"Of course I saw the broadcast! I was hoping I would be seeing you standing up there accepting the role but noooooooooooo, you go have it placed in a plastic box like the complete idiot you are!" I was fuming.

"Look Nell, it's America's shield, not mine. It deserves to be admired."

"It was Steve's shield moron and he gave it to YOU! If he wanted America to have it, he'd have donated it himself!" I was pacing around my living room now, bare toes wearing down the plush white rug I owned.

"I'm sorry Nell. It just didn't feel right wearing it."

"Then put it in the attic and let it collect dust! Anything but this Sam. I can't even begin to comprehend how disappointed I am in you." I said, finishing quietly as I looked back at the TV to see the shield proudly on display, as if they could even fathom half of what it means to the world.

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