He Knew it Would Happen

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When we finally stepped out of the police station, it was late and the sun had already set. Bucky was still holding my hand and every time I thought he would let go, he just tightened his grip again.

"Well, I feel better." Sam said, stepping onto the street as police officers paid no mind to us as they passed.

"Was that sarcasm I heard there, Birdo?"

"Are you losing your touch there Shadow because I'm sure you've already used that one."

"I just feel awful." Bucky said, breaking up the dispute before it started.

A police car siren went off a little further down the car park and we saw John Walker and his lackey reaching into the cruiser, playing with it. This time I tightened my hand around Bucky's as I refrained from marching over there and knocking their heads together. They should have gotten lost while we were detained.

"What are these two idiots still doing here?" I muttered.

They looked over at us and John raised his hand with a smile in our direction, "Gentlemen and lady." He tipped his head at me in a 'bowing' gesture that just made me scoff. "Good to see you again." He said as he crossed his arms.

Bucky let go of my hand as the three of us made our way over to the imposter and his accomplice. I trailed just a couple steps behind, not really interested in what this man had to say, but listened from the sidelines, anyway. I promised myself I would keep my mouth shut. He wasn't worth my time.

"Listen, if we divide ourselves we don't stand a chance, you guys know that." John said, not getting up from his leisure, relaxed leaning on the car. Bucky put a hand on the roof as he listened to John's BS.

Sam rolled his eyes, "So what do you got?"

"Well, the leader's name is Karli Morgenthau." John debriefed us. "We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place."

"They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal." The right hand man, Lemar, added on, "But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe."

Back to the moron leader, "We think that she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps."

"Well there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip. So I guess you'll have to look real hard." Bucky said sarcastically.

"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" John said snarkily.

"Hold on just a minute... she stole medicine?" I asked, cutting in... promise broken. "She stole medicine and no one has stopped to ask why?"

"It doesn't matter, okay?" John said, seeming annoyed that I even spoke at all, "I know you're a doctor and all but she still stole and she still killed people. She's a radical terrorist and needs to be stopped."

"Do you really think it's that simple to place people in categories like that?" I snapped.

"You don't really understand the situation." John said patronizingly.

"I don't understand? It's you who doesn't understand. You hide behind your government policies and self-serving definition of justice... calling yourself Captain America when you don't even really know what he stood for!" I exclaimed, my voice getting progressively louder.

"Why are you even here right now?" John asked.

I took a step forward, ready to attack but Bucky was there in an instant holding me back. His back was to Walker as he held me with a hand on each bicep to stop me. He was exerting himself a little bit to keep me back, I could see it in the way he tensed up but I eventually stopped fighting his hold. We both knew all I had to do was flick a finger to lay John Walker out like a pancake. I took peace in that.

Shadows (BuckyxOC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora