Moving Forward

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"Ready to go?" My dad asked as he entered my room.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think I've got everything."

We got down to the garage and dad loaded my two suitcases in his fancy sports car and we got in. He was taking me upstate today so I could settle in for the rest of the summer before starting school in the fall. The living arrangement was perfect. I applied to Cornell in the first place because it was close to the new facility, definitely commuting distance, but I originally was going to live near campus. However, if I was also going to be an Avenger, I definitely would have to live on the property.

When we got there, everyone was busy setting everything up, making sure it was running smoothly. The industry has grown. Who used to work for SHIELD, now worked for the Avengers. None of them lived here, though, except for the respective team members. The living quarters were on the top floor and the bedrooms looped around a curved hallway at the back of the building. They all had large windows that overlooked a mass forest of green. I had a corner room.

"This is it. I hope you like it. I had the movers set up most of your things for you. Move whatever you want... obviously." I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks dad."

"I made sure your room would have your own office as well. Figured you'd need a quiet space to study."

"You're the best dad and I love you tons. Thank you for everything you've done."

"Don't sweat it. It's what I'm here for. And you're happy? You know, with Cornell?" He asked.

I hauled my suitcase up on my bed, "Yeah of course. It wasn't my first choice but it became my first choice when I realized I wanted different things. You didn't push it on me."

"Good because Pepper would never let me live it down if I was the one that made you switch schools."

I chuckled, "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Yeah, actually. Short meeting with the Cap and Alien god and then I'll be headed back to the city."

"Well, go to your meeting and I'll meet you out front to see you off soon." I said, popping my suitcase open and looking at the jacket sitting right on top.

I heard my dad leave and I started unpacking my clothes. I had a headless manikin in my room and I draped my jacket around it. I wanted it to always be ready for me to grab at even a moment's notice.

When I was done putting all my clothes away, I left to go say goodbye to my dad. I walked through the hallways the way we came since I was still unfamiliar with the layout and eventually made my way out the front door. I saw Steve and my dad talking by the car and slowly walked over.


"I will miss you Tony." Steve said as they stopped by Tony's car that just rolled up.

Steve put his hands on his belt and turned to Tony, as he responded, "Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book. Build Pepper a farm, have a mini vacation spot for Nell, and hope nobody blows it up."

"The simple life."

Tony shrugged, "You'll get there one day."

"I don't know. Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went into the ice 75 years ago." Steve stated as if it was a fact and he was done mourning it, "I think someone else came out." He finished, looking over Tony's shoulder at the woman who just came out of the building.

Nell was wearing black leggings and a blue blouse. She looked nice but still comfortable which seemed to be the look she typically strived for. It was one thing Steve liked most about her.

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