[3] Seeds of Anger

Start from the beginning

"I told you not to call me that." She managed. But from her expression, I could tell that she liked the name more than she let on.

Then she saw me.

Her silver eyes opened, and she stared at me over Y/N's shoulder. I could almost sense the change in demeanour. It was no longer, 'I'm hugging the hottest guy at camp.' It was, 'Who is this and is she a threat to me?"

"Oh, by the way." Y/N pulled out of the hug, gesturing towards me. "Annabeth, this is Ruby. New camper that I managed to rescue today. Ruby, this is Annabeth. Old friend."

"Nice to meet you Ruby." Annabeth walked closer, holding out her hand. I shook it. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I stared back into her eyes, narrowing them slightly. I knew what she was doing. Analysing me. Figuring out what my weak spots were. Classic Athena kid.

"Annabeth, is Chiron inside?" Y/N said.

"Yep." Annabeth didn't take her eyes off me. Good. Neither did I.

"Perfect," Y/N said as he walked into the big house, closing the door behind him.

"You think you're better than me." Annabeth began. "I can see it in your eyes." Oooh, not a bad start.

"I know I am, princess." I retorted. "I also know that I've been through way worse than you have, so I think it's fair to say that I'm tougher than you as well."

"Okay, first of all. Don't call me princess you condescending little-" She stopped and took a deep breath before narrowing her eyes further. "Second, you don't know anything about me and what my life was like."

"I know more than you think." I smirked.

"Like what?"

"Like how you have a fat crush on Y/N"

Instant results. Annabeth turned a bright red colour and breathed in sharply. "Y-yeah right."

"Oh please." I grinned. "It's written all over your face."

"And?" Annabeth crossed her arms. "So do you."

"Well, duh!" I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if everybody at this camp did. But at least I admit it. He said that you're an old friend, so you've known him for a couple years. Maybe, like, I don't know. 2 or 3? And you're still stuck between denial and acceptance."

"You don't know how hard it is to even try to make a move on him." Annabeth said. "I've done everything and he still can't take a hint."

"Everything?" I said.

"Yes, everything." She narrowed her eyes even further.

"Everythingggg?" I smirked.

"What are you planning?" Annabeth demanded.

"Oh nothing." I shrugged. "It's just that when he's wrapped around my little finger, I'll be able to say directly to your face just how good he tastes."

That shook her. "You're a foul piece of shit, you know that?" Her eyes went a shade darker, and if I wasn't being so brave, I might have pissed myself.

"What's wrong princess, feeling a little jealous?" My villain side was really showing now. "Maybe you're worried I might steal your man." I got closer, my face inches from hers. "Maybe you're worried I-"

The door to the house opened. Dang. I was hoping I could finish that last part. Y/N walked out, talking with... a horse? The horse then ducked under the door opening, revealing the half of an older guy. Chiron.

"Well, well." Chiron looked me up and down. "I must say, you are far older than the usual demigods we find."

"What can I say?" I shrugged. "Guess I'm just lucky."

"You also don't seem too surprised about my appearance either." Chiron added. "Most newcomers tend to be at least a little shocked."

"I've seen my fair share of so-called 'greek myths,' so at this point, seeing the famous Chiron in the flesh is hardly a surprise." I decided to add in the 'famous' at the end there. People might say that flattery will only get you so far, but in my experience, complimenting anyone with authority is the first step in climbing the ranks.

"Well, at least it will be easier to move on to training, then." Chiron smiled slightly. "Y/N will lead you to the Hermes cabin, where you will be situated until you are claimed by your godly parent."

"And if I'm not claimed?" I asked. Chiron simply raised an eyebrow. "Oh."

"Not to worry, Ruby." He said. "Some demigods wait days, or even weeks before they are claimed. You just have to be patient."

"Patient, huh? Alright. Where's this Hermes cabin then?" I looked at Y/N who stared directly at me. No, he was staring above me.

I glanced above my head. There, shining in a pale blue light was the symbol of a... leaf. No... a wheat grain.

"How fucking dare she." I breathed. I glanced back at Y/N, who seemed proud of himself.

"I suppose we wait no longer, then." Chiron said, looking rather pleased. "You have been claimed by Demeter. The goddess of harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law."

A/N: Annabeth has competition now ;)

Reviewed and edited by: @Mihnea466

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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