[2] A battle with the beast

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THE SKYLINE OF NEW YORK CITY stretched out before him, an awe-inspiring sight that left Y/N speechless. Tall skyscrapers pierced the heavens, their lights forming a tapestry of brilliance against the night sky. The Empire State Building stood tall and proud, its silhouette etched in the distance. He turned to Jeremy.

"Look, Jeremy," Y/N said, "We've been driving for hours. Why are we even here?"

"I promise, I'll explain everything later," Jeremy insisted as he kept his focus on the road ahead. The silence between the two stretched on. The radio played soft songs, the music a soothing background to their journey as they navigated the city's streets.

Yet, there was a change in Jeremy. He seemed restless, frequently checking the rear-view mirror and choosing routes with the least number of people. Police cars passed by, oblivious to the fact that a thirteen-year-old was driving. Y/N watched as the surroundings transformed, crossing a bridge and arriving on Long Island. Jeremy pulled the car over on a quiet road, darkness enveloping them.

"Here we are," Jeremy whispered, his voice barely audible. His gaze was fixed on a small hill in the distance.

"That one with the big pine tree?" Y/N questioned.

"Yep, that's the one," Jeremy affirmed. "When we get out of the car, you need to run as fast as you can. Don't stop until you've passed that tree."

Then, something bizarre happened. He began to fidget and adjust his pants. "What are you doing?" Y/N couldn't help but blurt out, quickly averting his gaze.

Jeremy's movements grew strange, his lower body transforming before Y/N's eyes. Goat-like legs replaced his human ones, and shock rippled through him. "Jeremy, explain what's happening!"


"No!" Panic surged through Y/N, his voice cracking with fear. "Tell me why you have goat legs right now! What's going on?!" Y/N's grip on Jeremy's shoulders tightened as he shook him.

Suddenly, an ear-splitting roar resonated, jolting Y/N out of his fear. Terror coursed through his veins as he watched the manticore emerge into view.

"Right now, it doesn't matter!" Jeremy's voice snapped Y/N back to reality. He pushed open the car door and pulled Y/N out. Jeremy sprinted towards the tree on the hill, dragging Y/N along with him. Another roar filled the air, and Y/N's heart pounded within my chest.

The manticore was gaining on them, its monstrous form closing in at an alarming rate. The distance between Y/N and the monster dwindled, the pounding of its footsteps echoing in his ears. Adrenaline surged through Y/N, every fibre of his being focused on survival.

50 yards.

Y/N pushed his body to its limits, willing himself to run faster.

30 yards.

The large footfalls of the manticore grew louder and louder, only fuelling his fear.

20 yards

His lungs burned, and his legs ached, but Y/N couldn't afford to slow down. The sound of the manticore's laboured breathing spurred him on.

10 yards out.

He pushed himself to the end, Y/N's body a machine working overtime.

And then, instinct took over.

Y/N had a sudden urge to duck, and his body reacted by itself. He ducked just in time, narrowly avoiding the manticore's deadly projectile. It sailed over him, missing by an inch. A pained cry from Jeremy pierced the air, snapping Y/N's attention back to him. A thorn from the manticore's attack had found its mark, embedding itself in Jeremy's leg. Y/N's eyes widened with fear and desperation as he saw Jeremy struggling to remain upright, his face contorted in agony.

"Jeremy!" Y/N yelled, his voice a mix of concern and terror as he rushed to his injured friend's side. Adrenaline coursed through Y/N, drowning out the panic and driving him forward.

Without hesitation, Y/N pivoted back towards the charging manticore, his actions guided by pure instinct. As he ran, he spotted one of the thorns that had missed its mark earlier. Its deadly tip felt cold and sharp against his fingers. Y/N hardly had time to process his own thoughts as he drew back his arm and hurled the thorn towards the oncoming beast.

In that suspended moment, time seemed to stretch. The thorn soared through the air, spinning like a tornado... and then, by some stroke of luck, it found its mark - the manticore's eye. The creature let out a blood-curdling screech of pain, stumbling as its charge faltered.

The window of opportunity had opened.

Y/N sprinted forward, his body moving on autopilot. Y/N's mind was a laser focus, locked onto the wounded manticore. He reached its massive form, The creature thrashing and bellowing in pain. Another thorn lay on the ground nearby, and Y/N snatched it up, his heart pounding in his chest.

Drawing back his arm, Y/N plunged the thorn deep into the creature's side, guessing for where it's heart might have been. The manticore let out a final, piercing shriek, its body convulsing before collapsing in a heap. As the manticore's body began to dissolve into dust, a single tooth glinted in the fading light.

The surrealness of it all left Y/N reeling, struggling to process what had just happened. But his attention was drawn back to Jeremy, who lay on the ground, coughing and gasping for air. Y/N snapped back to reality, racing to his side.

"Jeremy," his voice quivered with worry as Y/N knelt down beside him, his hands hovering above the wound, unsure of where to touch. "Are you okay?"

Jeremy managed a crazed smile, despite the pain. "I've had better days," he chuckled weakly, wincing as he tried to move his injured leg.

"We need to get you help," Y/N said urgently, his mind racing. "Is there a hospital nearby?"

"No point." Jeremy groaned, his face contorting in pain. He motioned behind Y/N, a smile crossing his features.

"Jeremy, what are you-" Y/N's words were cut off as he finally turned, only to find himself facing a group of teenagers. They wore orange shirts and necklaces, and a mix of expressions greeted him - surprise, annoyance, and even admiration. But it was the imposing figure that stepped forward that caught Y/N's attention. From the waist up, he was normal. His face was warm, with an inviting gaze. He had a short, neatly trimmed beard. But his lower half was what caught Y/N's eyes. It was the body of a horse.

"You defeated the manticore by yourself, huh?" A sharp voice called out next to the horse man. A tanned blonde girl, a little smaller than Y/N, walked out. She had soft, blond hair that cascaded over her shoulders. But what really captivated Y/N was her eyes. Her eyes didn't shine with a light blue, or a brown. They displayed a stone cold grey colour. She studied him, as if I were a map, and she was wondering where the exit was.

"Hush now, child." The horse man spoke, his voice calm and collected. "The poor boy must be scared" He...walked?...cantered?...moved over towards Y/N, putting a hand on his shoulder. He stared Y/N down, his eyes shining with curiosity.

Finally, Y/N managed to snapped out of my funk. "Y-you're...a...p-pony?!" Y/N stammered, his voice shaking.

The horseman huffed in annoyance. "A Centaur." He corrected.

Y/N stared back at him, before his knees buckled, and he promptly fainted.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 (Annabeth X Malereader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu