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Narrator: P.I.X.A.L.

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 26.

Word count: 2,1k

Warning: nothing but singing

Song name: One kiss (P.I.X.A.L. Version.)

(In the newspaper warehouse, Kai gives a speech to the refugees.)

Kai: Yes. The Overlord's army has overrun the city and driven us into hiding. Yes, we're scared and tired, but there's some good news. It's noodle time! (He hands bowls of noodles around.) Noodles for you! And you! And you! See? Your face has a hard time being sad when you're shoving noodles into it. And don't worry, there's plenty to go around! Skylor and I found a ton of supplies in a nearby warehouse! She's cooking up more as we speak. (Kai looks at Skylor cooking some noodles.)

Skylor: I know noodles! I grew up around my dad's noodle houses, after all. Sure, they were all just fronts for his criminal enterprise, but you still pick up a thing or two. (She throws a carrot in the air and slices it up and it falls in the pan.)

Man #1: Wow!

Man #2: Looks good. (Kai walks to Skylor as she sees the flame dying out.)

Skylor: Flame's dying. Give me an assist?

Kai: Sure, (He uses fire to make the flame stronger.) I'll heat things up for ya. Y'know, we do make a pretty good team. So uh ... guess it's about time we made it official. We'll be a couple from now on, cool? (Skylor looked at him with dissatisfaction.)

Skylor: Are you serious?

Kai: Uh... uh... yeah?

Skylor: Well, great timing, Kai! (She hits him on the stomach with the spoon.) You disappear for ages and I don't hear from you like I've been forgotten. Then, out of nowhere, during the biggest crisis ever, you spring this couple stuff on me?

Kai: (He sighs.) Sorry. My elemental powers were stolen, and then I was trapped in this icy realm, and then I got stuck inside a video game, and wound up on this mountain with an evil king with a talking skull, and we have to fight our friend who was the skull warrior. And then my sister got turned into the ocean, so... yeah. It's been kinda weird.

Skylor: How about we save Ninjago first, (she pours noodles in a bowl and passes to more people.) then maybe we talk about us?

Wu: Oh, these symbols make no sense! It's not the Old Tongue, it's not Merlopian, it's ... it's just gibberish!

Misako: Perhaps you need a break, Wu. I find if I step away for a moment, it's possible to see things in a new —

Cole: Woo hoo! We did it, Master Wu! (Wu, Misako, Kai and Skylor ran to Cole and Nelson not knowing that the paper Wu threw has something special.)

Wu: What is it, Cole?

Cole: Oh, nothing, we just managed to adjust the dispatch radio to the same frequency as our ninja comms, is all. What would you like to say? (He gives Wu the radio.)

Wu: This is Master Wu to all ninja. Can anyone read me?

Christina: Master Wu? It's Christina. I read you!

Garmadon: Who is that? Is it my brother? Tell him we're not home. (Morro shakes his head.)

Jay: This is Jay. I'm with Nya. Great to hear your voice!

P.I.X.A.L.: P.I.X.A.L. here. I too am receiving you. Zane is with me, but he is currently indisposed.

Cole: Kai and I are with Skylor and Master Wu. We're holed up with a bunch of people at the —

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