I guess he's not mad at me. I kept thinking about him the whole week, I thought he didn't come to me because he was angry with me, or maybe I crossed the line and he didn't want to do anything with me anymore.

Many thoughts crossed my mind, but I'm glad he's not avoiding me. Maybe he was just busy with other things.


Cory and Aira did my hair for me

"You look so beautiful!" Cory was being overdramatic, as she covered her mouth with pride

"Yea! You look stunning," Aira was done and stepped back to let me see myself in the mirror, "Emerald color suits you so much!"

I looked at myself in the mirror, then smiled

It was a gown woven from the finest threads of emerald silk. Its bodice hugged my curves, adorned with intricate patterns that shimmer and shift like sunlight filtering through leaves. Delicate vines, embroidered with golden thread, twine sinuously around the neckline, trailing down to where the fabric meets the skin. The skirt billows out in waves of verdant satin, cascading to the floor.

Each step sends ripples through the fabric. And hidden within its folds, tiny gems gleam like hidden treasures, catching the light in a kaleidoscope of colors

But the most enchanting feature of this gown lay in its train—a majestic sweep of fabric that trailed behind me.

As expected, Hael chooses things that go well with my skin and hair.

There was a knock on the door, "I'll open it," Cory said and went to get the door but the moment she opened it, her jaw dropped for a second. She then looked at me, "Boss," She smirked mischievously, "Your date it here,"


"Cory!" I wanted to scold her but Hael stepped inside my house. We were in the lounge so there was a lot of space there.

"Good evening, ladies," He smiled, making my heart jump. I feel like it's been so long since I last saw him.

"Good evening," Both my employees answered him.

"Wow," Aira whispered, "He's so handsome,"

Cory nodded, "Wearing formal clothes, he looks even more stunning."

I stared at Hael. He wore a crisp white shirt, Adorned with delicate silver cufflinks, Atop his broad shoulders rested a midnight-emerald velvet coat that fell backwards, embroidered with subtle motifs of stars and constellations,

Tiny silver buttons gleamed like fallen stars against the fabric, lending a subtle sparkle to his appearance. Trousers of velvet completed the look, tailored to perfection to accentuate the Master's lean frame without impeding his movement.

His long silver hair was styled, the upper half was in a ponytail while the lower half rested on his shoulders, softly falling down.

My ears felt a little hot as I realized something.

He's matching with me

"Shall we go," He presented his palm to me and I took it.


We didn't talk much. The party was already in full bloom when we reached the hall and as soon as I arrived the King decided to call me on stage.

"Everyone," He clicked his glass with a spoon and the hall went silent, "Our highlight of the party is here," He pointed at me with his hand and all eyes were on me.

As my gaze met his, I offered a respectful bow, feeling the weight of responsibility settle upon my shoulders. Then I stepped forward, onto the stage that was set for me.

The whole place was quiet and I could see everyone from here. My eyes searched for Hael. Gladly, he was right where I left him and looking at him made me feel a little less nervous but the thing was, I hadn't practiced at all since we came back.

Will I be able to do it?

My eyes then fell on Illaris and Lyal


They were staring at me. Eyeing me like predators but with the way they looked at me, made me feel a burst of energy. I didn't want to fail in front of these people.

"Saintess Amber will be demonstrating her power today!" The king then pointed at another direction while the people cheered, "Bring the kid,"

Everyone looked at the side door which opened at the King's command. Amidst the opulent display, a commotion arose from the far corner of the hall. A young child, no more than ten years old, stumbled forward, his features contorted with agony. His eyes were dulled by the encroaching shadow that clung to him like a suffocating cloak. He was tied with magic chains, so that he wouldn't attack anyone.

Whispers spread like wildfire among the assembled crowd, tales of a miasma that plagued the land, corrupting all it touched. Looking at him made my heart hurt.

Poor kid

He looked like a commoner too.

He was brought on stage and forced to sit down in front of me.

"Now," The king said, "Saint Amber," The king smiled at me, his eyes full of anticipation, "We would all love to see how capable you are."

"Yes," I nodded at him.

With steady determination, I approached the boy, my heart heavy with empathy for his plight.

"It's okay," I whispered to him as I clasped my hands together, "You'll be just fine," I closed my eyes and prayed.


I felt the surge of power in the pit of my stomach, then as it traveled towards my hands, I opened them and pointed my palms towards the kid. His frail form trembled beneath my touch as I reached out, invoking the sacred power that dwelled within me. A warm glow emanated from my palms, enveloping him in a gentle embrace as I willed the darkness to retreat.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the miasma began to recede, dissipating like morning mist beneath the rising sun. The boy's labored breaths steadied, his pallor giving way to a flush of newfound vitality, and as his eyes fluttered open, revealing his true brown eyes

A minute is all it took to get rid of all the miasma.

The crowd gasped and as the kid stood up completely fine, he looked everywhere.

"Where am I?" He asked and then looked at the chains, "Why am I chained?" The guard that had chained him unchained him.

Everyone watched him.

There was no sign of any aggression.

"HAHA!" The king was pleased, "Well done, Saint Amber!!" He looked at me, "You healed him!"

The hall erupted in cheers and clapping. The guard offered the kid his hand to take and guided him out of there.

My heart fluttered.

I did it

I couldn't help but smile

I DID IT!!! Oh My Gosh!! I did it!! This must be why Hael didn't come to make me practice! He already knew I could do it!!!

My eyes searched for him again.

He was still where I last saw him but the moment I saw him, my smile fell.

He had a number of men around him. I frowned. And they seemed to be flirting with him.

What the hell!?!??

An ominous feeling increased in my chest and a very pathetic thought came to my mind. Why isn't he sending them away?!? They're clearly touching him and trying to flirt!!!


My eyes went wide at another weird thought.

Don't tell me

Has Hael slept with men too??

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