chapter 41: lazy mornings please

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I had gotten back from austria about a week ago where I had to visit Milton-Keynes to do some team stuff. 

Lewis right now had just got on a plane from monaco headed for me so in the meantime I was heading for the gym.

Him and I were spending time together before we both had to be at silver stone the next day for PR.

I was starting to enjoy myself again. It felt like things were slowly falling into place.

I was actually running a little bit behind though and hadn't even left my apartment when gym bro started texting me. 

Mad Bitch Max 

Where r u

u said u would be here at 3


og theres goana be a time where u miss the start of a race

im running dw 


I chuckled as I read Max's messages, shaking my head at his impatience. 

"Sorry, sorry, I'm on my way," I texted back quickly before grabbing my gym bag and rushing out the door.

When I arrived at the gym, Max was already there, looking slightly annoyed but mostly amused.

"Finally," he said with a smirk as I walked in.

"Hey, I'm here now, aren't I?" I replied, grinning back at him.

We headed over to the leg press machine, and I loaded on some heavier weights than usual, much to Max's surprise.

"Whoa, going heavy today, huh?" he commented, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged, feeling determined. "Gotta keep up with you somehow, don't I?"

Max laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, let's see what you've got."

In formula one your biggest competition is your team mate and despite Max's and I's competitive nature it, it felt like we were pushing each other to be better both on and off the track.

Anyway- once we finished our session we parted ways with him heading to his hotel in silverstone that night.

Lewis had texted me he had landed and was gonna to be here soon.

I decided to, in the meantime, have a shower. 

The warm water felt relaxing, washing away the sweat and tension from the gym session. I took my time, letting the steam envelop me and clear my mind.

 After drying off, I changed into some comfortable clothes ready to relax for the evening .

Just as I finished, I got a buzz on my phone. I quickly grabbed my phone and saw a message from Lewis.

Lewis: Just got here. Knock knock.

I smiled, rushing to the door to greet him. As soon as I opened it, there he was, looking a bit tired but still managing to give me a warm smile.

"Hey," I said, stepping aside to let him in. "How was the flight?"

"Long and tiring," he replied, dropping his bag and immediately pulling me into a hug. "But seeing you makes it all worth it."

I hugged him back tightly, feeling the familiar comfort of his embrace. "Well I'm glad you're here."

Lewis and I spent the night watching movies, cuddling with each other and ordering Indian takeout. It was nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company without any pressures or schedules to keep.

"This is exactly what I needed," Lewis said, leaning back and stretching his legs out. "A quiet night in with you."

"Me too," I replied, taking a bite of my chicken tikka. "It's been too long since we've had time like this." 

The night ended with the both of falling asleep to barbie and after waking up for the credits we groggily made our way to my room. 

I turned in my bed and was met with Lewis breathing in softly, still sleeping.

I felt his big arm still hugging onto my waist. I continued to admire him before I got tired again and my eyes slowly drifted back to sleep.

A few minutes later I had woken up again and slowly started opening my eyes to see Lewis looking at me with a sleepy smile, "Morning." He yawned with his morning voice.

I showed a tired smile not awake enough to say anything and slowly started to close my eyes again. 

Before I could fall back to sleep I felt him tighter his arm around me and pull me closer. I opened my eyes with a chuckle "Lewis."

He pecked my lips and tired to get up out of bed, "Stay... please."

"Alright," He shaked his head. "But we both need to be at the track by 10, remember?"

"Let me me ignore that for 5 more minutes." I pleaded and he got back down beside me wrapping his arms around my waist.

We spent a few more moments in the silence, god I could spend forever in that moment I thought.

He took a deep breate in and out, "I'll do breakfast if you want to rest for a little bit longer."

I groaned, "No... I'll get ready while you do that."

Whilst he went to the kitchen I went to my bathroom doing my skincare and makeup followed up with what I was was wearing for the day. I put on a blue pair of jeans with a jersey paired with a red bag.

I came out to Lewis hard at work in the kitchen, "Hey Chef."

He glanced up, his eyes twinkling. "Love, I hope you're ready for the best breakfast ever."

I leaned against the counter, watching him work. "You know, you look pretty good in the kitchen."

He smirked, flipping a pancake. "Don't get used to it. This is a special occasion."

"So, what's on the menu today?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder.

"Pancakes, some fresh fruit and the eggs are for you." he replied, plating up the food. "Thought we'd need a good start to the day."

"Perfect," I said, taking a seat at the table. "You spoil me."

He brought the plates over and joined me, his expression softening. "Yeah well I think we both deserve it."

After Breakfast I cleaned up whilst he put himself together. He came out of my room looking down at his outfit, "What do you reckon?"

He was wearing dark grey cargos that was baggy on him with an army print bomber jacket. "What do you think?" he asked, doing a little spin.

"Get over here." I laughed as he came to me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders giving him a kiss as he held my waist. I pulled away slowly, "I love you."

"Love you to." We held each other tight for a few for seconds before He pulled away to look at the time. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." I let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm not to keen on media today."

"When have you ever though?" He laughed at me.

"Ok, I'm ready." Ignored his comment with a little smile.

We grabbed our bags and headed out down in the parking lot where he got into his mercedes and I got into my bmw.

END GAME | Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now