chapter 38: back on track

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The break was to short I thought as I got to my next hotel in Austria.  In those three weeks I first started out in london, having business at Milton-Keynes. Then for the last two weeks I had been staying with Lewis in Monaco.

I had caught up with a few other drivers and it seemed that now me, Iris and Kiki were a trio. I also managed to finally submit the paperwork for a Monegasque citizenship.

Lewis and I mostly stayed in and if we did go out it wasn't together.

I'm not really a fan of it.

I love our relationship being private but I can't say the same about it being a secret.

Anyway- This weekend was a sprint race meaning we only got one practice session and for me that gives me a massive disadvantage normally but luckily I was pretty familiar with the red bull circuit.

I was feeling pretty good about my chances and I was still carrying a glow from the break.

Tomorrow was media thursday something that I was expecting to get lots of different questions from... But I was actually pretty happy about it, for once I had the upper hand with the media.

I finished my day going to the hotel gym and going up to floor above mine to be with lewis. Where I also ended up staying the night...

I woke up in the morning feeling his arm around my race. I shuffled grabbing my phone and he mumble, "I really don't wanna do media today."

Chuckled light at him, "Me neither."

He groaned taking his arm off of me, "Right room service for breakfast then?"

"Yeah... I might just get a coffee." I watched him get out of bed in just a pair of sweatpants.

"Suit yourself," He yawned. "I'm getting something big." He let a big smiled out and patted his stomach.

"Oh your so funny." I smirked at him, the both of us still half asleep with matching deep voices.

After our food I left Lewis for my room to get ready for the day before making my way to the paddock.

I had quickly found a couch to lay on in the red bull garage but was interrupted by Inez, "You have group interviews in 5 minutes so don't get to comfortable."

I groaned, "Too late. Who's it with?"

"Norris, Hamilton and Daniel."

I looked up at her my mouth in an O shape, "Your taking the piss?"

"Nope, now get up." She stood in front of me crossing her arms.

"What if I don't go?" I asked still lying down.

"Well I would literally drag you there and I'm sure we both don't want that so get up."

"Fine, fine, I'm getting up." I let a heavy breathe out and together we walked to the media ring.

"Is there someone you wanna talk to me about?" She raised an eyebrow to me.

I smiled looking forwards, "I don't think you wanna know."

"Estelle..." She started slowly, "It better not be another driver." She shook her head and when I didn't say anything she let a big gasp out, "Your so stupid."

"I didn't mean to, okay!" I tried to argue.

"I don't even wanna know who." She shook her head at me as we arrived at the interview, "Don't say anything dumb ok?"

"Yep." I popped the P and made my way other to our seats.

Daniel had arrived before me but Lewis and Lando still weren't here yet.

END GAME | Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now