Chapter 27: Anyway...

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I had just finished my photo shoot for vogue and was making my way through the paddock back to the red bull garage. Whilst I walked passed ferrari I noticed a certain blonde.

"Oi!" I called out and she turned her head. "I didn't know you were coming here."

"Really I thought I told you."

"Nope. oh and.." I lowered my voice, " Lewis said his security have to process the footage from the other day and they'll send it through to him before the end of today."

"That's good to hear." She smiled at the news

"Yeah." I ticked my tongue.

"I'm sure it nothing to stress about, in fact do you wanna come with me and Charles tonight for dinner?" She offered.

"Aaah, no thank you." I declined her invite. "It's not like i can take Lewis with me."

She sighed, "Alright but promise me just the two of us will hang out once the break starts. Don't go shutting yourself away from everyone."

"I guess I can do that."

"Well, I've got to find Charles now, I'll see you around though."

"Bye-bye." I waved before walking off to the red bull garage.

I was currently in the media ring doing my rounds. I was approached by this one report. I recognized him. He was doing had been a reporter in the motor sport world for a few years now and I thought he was pretty good at his job.

He started off with what all the other reporters had been asking is the car fixed, how am i feeling after last race and how I'm going to to turn it around.

But then his questions began to veer off that routine... 

"So you say all this stuff about racing when frankly it hard to tell if your taking it seriously- and your adventures in monaco don't help your case at all."

I stood there in shock, "I'm sorry, was that a question."

He seemed irritated with my response, "When are you going to take this seriously?"

Something inside of me snapped "I agreed to this interview to talk about racing, not to be subjected to baseless speculation and personal attacks." I had raised my voice and now everyone was trying to get a glimpse of the comotion.

He stood there with his mouth slightly open. I took a deep breath regaining my composure, "I can assure you that I take my racing career very seriously."

"Monaco says otherwise." He snarked.

I scoffed, "You know it's really disappointing to know your one of those reporters. Monaco was a...  unique experience, and while it showcased a different side of me, it doesn't diminish my commitment to the sport." I rolled my eyes and just started walking away.

Inez was quick to follow me, "Estelle, wait up!"

Inez caught up with me as we walked away from the media ring, tension still hung in the air.

"Estelle, are you okay?" Inez asked, her concern evident in her voice.

I took a deep breath, attempting to shake it off. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't expect that kind of question."

She nodded, understanding the situation, "You handled it well, considering the circumstances. You stood up for yourself."

I managed a small smile, grateful for Inez's support. "I just don't understand why some reporters feel the need to push those kinds of narratives. Monaco was a personal experience, and it's disheartening when people try to use it against my commitment to racing."

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