I quickly lean down nuzzling him with my muzzle, he instantly stops crying and starts laughing.

"Soft wolfie" he says stroking the fur on my neck, maybe I would be good with kids after all. "Get away from my child, you mut" the women yells, she throws something at me which hits me in the shoulder.

I back up however the idiot women won't stop throwing things, she's about to hit her own child.

I step infront of the kid so I can shield him from his mothers psychotic episode. "Audrey, calm down" I hear a deep powerful voice, she calms and stops throwing stuff however looks at me panicked.

I turn to see the Alpha behind me, he walks towards the kid slowly looking at me the whole time.

He goes to grab the kid which makes him start crying and I instantly get protective, I bare my teeth stopping him from picking up the kid "it's okay" he says trying again "Sam it's time to go back to mummy" he says, suddenly it makes me think of my own mum.

I take a step back giving the Alpha access to the kid.

He picks the boy up and walks over to the crazy lady handing over her son, I didn't mean to cause a scene.

I just want to leave, I look around again trying to find another way to escape. I can't smash another window, my body can't take it.

I can feel the heat getting to me again, why does this keep happening. I sit down as I start panting "Alpha" I hear the women say, the same women I have used to escape which I now feel slightly bad for.

She signals to me before I turn to see the Alpha walking towards me, he's alot bigger than me even in wolf form.

I take a couple steps back still panting  away, "calm down" he says as he leans down, unexpectedly he picks me up in his arms and begins to carry me back upstairs, he's acting like I weigh nothing.

I'm too hot to fight. Once we get back to his room "Caroline can you get some pack members to help remove this mattress and bring in a new one please" I suddenly feel guilty for that aswell.

I lean my head on his chest in exhaustion from panting, "Shhhhhhh try and breathe slowly" he whispers to me, I try but it's just too hot.

Eventualy the a few pack members came in and removed the bed and brought in a new one, the whole time the Alpha held me with a tight hold when I growled at a few pack members that looked at me weirdly.

Soon enough the Alpha had a perfectly neat untorn bed, it's like he's waited on hand and foot. Why don't the Alphas have pack members in the house.

The door is shut as everyone leaves and he finally places me down on the bed. "Now no chewing this one up" he tells me strictly, he heads into the bathroom for a while before coming out again.

I'm still panting as he picks me up and brings me inside the bathroom, once I see the bath I begin to wriggle out of his arms.

He clearly didn't expect it and had to let go except he instantly shut the door. I wonder around the bathroom in panic, not going anywhere the bath. I begin to pant in distress and heat, I lean against the cool tile walls to help.

"Okay, I can see your not a fan of the bath. But I promise nothing dangerous is going to happen, you could not be in a more safe place" and I would ahve believed him if I hadn't met the other Alphas already.

A whimper leaves my mouth as I think about them, my ears go down. I crawl up into a ball in the corner shutting my eyes tightly.

I hear the door open and close, I open my eyes to see he's gone.

Suddenly the door opens and closes again, I hear footsteps walking towards me.

I look up to see the Alpha kneeling down infront of me with a jumper in his hand, "there's a lavender scent on this, it will help you relax a bit more" I sniff it smelling the lovely smell of lavender.

Lavender has always calmed me down. "Good" he praises as I lean into the jumper feeling much more relaxed. "Now do you think your ready to take a bath" he ushers my thoughts away, I instantly crawl into a ball again.

"Okay, what about a shower?" He asks and that has the same affect. I never want to go near water again, the thought of feeling myself drown and gasp for air in the lake makes my whole body shake.

The Alpha gives up and leaves me to calm down in the bathroom, a while passes as I drift of to sleep smelling the lavender.

I'm so calm I feel like shifting back, the need to protect myself isn't there anymore.

I quickly  open my eyes still seeing I'm in wolf form, I walk towards the door and jump at the handle just managing to turn it before pushing the door open.

Thankfully the Alphas not there, I grab the clothes onnthe side he had left me and drap them into the bathroom.

I allow myself to shift back before putting them on, shifting alot less painful than what it was at the start.

Now I'm not a wolf it might be easier to escape, I head towards the bathroom door feeling motivated at my plan.

However as soon as I step out I feel dizzy, a burning pain in my stomach brings me to the floor.

What's happening? I feel like I can't breathe, I want my Alpahs.

I'm in to much pain I don't even hear the Alpha come in, "Hey, you shifted" he says before noticing I'm in pain, "whats going on? Where does it hurt?" He says rushing to my side, I can't talk, I can barely breathe.

He places hid palm on my forehead "you have a fever", j let out a yelp at the burning in my stomach, its spreading across my body.

Suddenly a man walk into the room "I'm here Alpha, wahts the problem?" A man rushes towards us with a briefcase. "He's got a fever, but he looks like he's getting pain in hid sromach" the Alpha says, the guy I'm assuming is a doctor checks me over.

"He's in heat" I'm unsure why this shocks the Alpha so much. "Okay, give him some pain killers and ill deal either the resr" he says, the doctor makes me swallow 2 pills before leaving the room.

I feel the Alpha pick me up before placing me on the bed, the pain killers kicked in but I was still incredibly hot and exhausted.

"Is that why you keep escaping? You want to get back to your mate?" He asks stroking the side of my cheek, I nod my head. "Don't worry, I'll help you find them and get you back to them as soon as possible" his words were very reassuring.

"What is there name?" He asks, do I tell him I have three? "Salvator" I say thr name all three of the guys are known as, that way I don't have to specify which one.

He looks at me surprised "your mated with one of the three most dangerous Alphas, are they good to you?" He genuinely looks concernd, I nod my head. "How did you end up here then, there all way on the other side" he asks not believing me.

"Got attacked my rouges, I fell into the lake"? I say, I look down feeling rhe guys hand lift up the shirt I was wearing.

I'm assuming he's looking for any scars, I have many scars but never from the Alphas. "Your not lying to me, are you?" He questions, "no, they are nice to me" I say.

He sighs before pulling the t shirt back down. "Okay, well I'll get into contact with them" he says before leaving the room.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now