Her head turned sharply toward me, taking me by surprise. "Don't be like that Summer, you barely ever gave him chance." She whined.

"That is because he never gave me a chance," I responded. "If he was more open to me, perhaps we could get along. But he is a pompous asshole."

Saida looked away, crossing her arms as if upset by my words. "Okay, I expected this from Kailey, but I thought you would be a little more supportive, Summer."

Kailey lifted the binoculars again, hoping to avoid the conversation. It bothered me that she thought I was not being supportive of her, as if I had not been since she told me she liked this guy. It was before she introduced me to any of them, and she was constantly gushing about him to Autumn and me. Even though I was not sure how I felt about Saida, I tried to show my support. Always reassuring her that he'd notice her someday. Just because I gave him the same energy he gave me does not imply that I am not supportive of her.

Frustrated, I pushed the bag of chips aside before we continued our mini-argument. She could yell and scream at me all she wanted, but I was not going to let her sit here and claim I was not a supportive friend. What sort of shit is that?

"Are you joking?" I questioned. "You must be kidding yourself if you think I am not being supportive."

She turned to me with a frown on her face. "You are not being very supportive right now." She concluded.

My eyes rolled in annoyance. "Saida, I've supported your relationship with Issac since the moment you told me you had a crush on him," I said. "What I am not going to do is be nice to someone who does not care about me. And he treats you as if you are not there."

"Well, I am glad you are enjoying this," she said, lowering her voice.

Inwardly sighing, I go on to explain to her why I'm so annoyed by Issac. I tried to be careful with my words because telling her about my crush on her in this situation was not the best idea. She irritated me to no end when she acted like this. Her, of all people, should understand how upsetting it is to see her in such distress. It breaks my heart, and if it were up to me, she would not have to deal with someone like Issac.

"Saida, I'm not saying this to sound like a jerk, okay?" I exhaled. "I am saying this because you simply deserve better. You are so beautiful and talented. You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met, and seeing you waste everything on someone like...him bothers me."

My emotions poured out of me like a waterfall. It is not like I told her a lie. Everything I said was true, and I felt at ease talking to Saida about anything. Even if we disagreed on the subject, we were best friends who would rather hear the truth from one another than anyone else. I had so much more to say to her, but for the time being, I would leave it there.

Saida remained silent, resting her head against the head rest. I leaned in next to her, hoping she would say something to reassure me that our friendship was not over. This little argument could not have been the end of us. We were too close to let something so trivial get in the way. We were Summer and Saida. The perfect duo.

Fortunately, her hand reached up to the side of my face before pulling me close to her. Her head slowly turned, and those honey-colored eyes met mine. I smiled and rested my head against hers. Anytime we got this close, the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. Saida was a loving girl, so I am sure this meant nothing to her.

"I am sorry," she murmured. "I am just a bit stressed."

I giggled. "It is fine, and I promise to support you no matter what."

She smiled brightly at me before looking down at my lips. My breath caught in my throat as I realized this would be one of many such moments we had shared together. I desperately wanted to kiss her and claim her as my own. I felt more confident in the idea now that Maisie had kissed me as well. To feel Saida's lips against mine would undoubtedly set my insides ablaze.

Unfortunately, it appeared that we both forgot Kailey was in the car with us as she screamed. Saida and I both jumped out of our seats to see Kailey freaking out. She was still looking through the binoculars, but this time her mouth dropped open.

"Guys, tell me that is not David's car!" She screeched.

Saida took Kailey's binoculars and looked for herself. "Holy shit!" She yelled as well.

I took the binoculars for myself, stunned by what I saw. "Yep, that is David's car," I agreed, surprised.

Kailey looked once more. "Oh my goodness. That is David! He is walking to Mason's door right now!"

We set down the binoculars and watched David exit the car and approach Mason's door. When Mason responded, they engulfed each other in a loving kiss, much to our surprise. In complete shock, we all dropped our mouths to the floor.

The last person we expected to see was David. He had never talked about his sexuality before. David did not appear to be Mason's type, so seeing him with him surprised us. They were polar opposites, but here they were, locking lips as if it was not the first time they had done something like this.

This was clearly something we should not have seen, which explained why Mason refused to tell us who they were talking to. David most likely did not want us to know, and now we have spied on him. It was going to be extremely difficult to keep this secret.

Kailey immediately started the car as I urged her to get out of here. "We need to go!" I yelled.

She rushed to press the start button before taking off in the opposite direction. Our minds were blown, and we had no idea where to go from here.

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