10~ I Know Your Secret

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10~ I Know Your Secret

Picture day was here and everyone came in their best dressed. Everything about this day made me want to vomit. It's nice that we can all get dressed up before prom but if it weren't for Saida I'd look a complete mess. Although I don't like how she assumed I'd just figure her out, I'm happy she showed. We kept up our tradition and both of us looked great.

What couldn't be explained is what happened last night. We were so...intimate that my mind couldn't fathom that it happened. It felt like a lucid dream but this was real. Saida seemed to get into it too making me think I may have a chance with her. The way she wrapped her arms around me whilst letting me hold her would have been the perfect way to confess. We were so close with our lips begging to be against one another. If it weren't for my mom things could have escalated. In Saida's case I guess my mom interrupting was a good thing.

Still, we woke up today with no talk about last night's events. She pretty much glossed over anything that happened. Instead, she was freaking out about her pictures as she stood in line with Issac and me. The three of us were in our science class when it was time to take pictures. That was one of the only classes I had with any of my friends and of course, Issac had to be there. Little did he know, we were in a battle for the same girl.

As of now, Saida was standing here freaking out as we got closer to taking our picture. I don't know why this always made her go insane. Everything had to be perfect or else we'd have an angry Saida on our hands. She was stressing for no reason though as she looked gorgeous. Her boho chic style with her long blonde strands of hair made for the perfect combination. It also helped that she was an artist because she could create beautiful make-up looks on her face. This was her wheelhouse and she excelled at it just like anything she touches.

"Are you sure this looks okay?" She asked looking down at the white flowing dress she wore.

I laughed with a roll of my eyes. "Saida, relax you look stunning as always," I remind her. "Besides, it's a stupid yearbook photo."

Her eyes grew big as she stepped closer to me. "Yeah, our last yearbook photo!" Her voice raises.

"Exactly. No one's going to care," I reiterate though I freaked out myself yesterday too. There was no room for me to talk.

She groans, turning her attention to Issac. "You understand me, right babe?" Ew, babe.

Unfortunately, babe wasn't paying attention to anything we were talking about. He was always texting on that phone of his with no quarrels about Saida's feelings. Even if she was being ridiculous, he should still be attentive to her needs. I could remember when they first started dating way back when. He was always showering her with affection. It wasn't my favorite moment to witness, but at least my friend was happy. Now it's like she barely existed in his life. The sadness seeping through her eyes made me angry.

Aggravated, I call out to him in a less-than-favorable manner. "Yo asshole, your girlfriend is talking to you," I spat.

He looked up from his phone with a frown on his face at me before changing it to a much softer expression for Saida. "Uhh, yeah you look great." He barely knew what we were talking about.

Saida sighed seemingly annoyed by him too. It sucked that this is the person she wanted to be with and he showed little care. Whoever he was always texting took his attention away and it had nothing to do with football. Though that's a baseless assumption I'm making. In any case, why he still holds the title boyfriend would never make sense to me. He was the complete opposite of that. Barely even a good friend if we're being honest.

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