3~ Something On Your Face

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3~ Something On Your Face

The first few periods skated by with a swiftness. Today was one of those days when school was zooming. It was already lunch and I was undoubtedly starving. Typically, we'd all meet up in the cafeteria, but I thought it'd be nice to go check on Saida. She's always the last one to come because of how into her art she is. The art teacher lets her stay a bit longer in the studio if she's not satisfied with her work. This is also one of the only places where she can get some paintings finished. Her mom wasn't the biggest fan of her being an artist, but Saida found ways to still make use of her talents.

As expected, there she was with her blonde strands pushed back as she immersed herself in her craft. There were paint stains all over her apron and even some splatters on her face. That never phased her as she'd simply wash it off and continue with her day. Watching her in this environment was one of my favorite pastimes. The smile on my face couldn't diminish any time my eyes landed on her. To me, she was the embodiment of beauty.

It'd be nice if I were able to bask in her beauty for a few more seconds, but she noticed me standing there. The way her eyes lit up any time she saw me made the butterflies in my stomach swarm. If there was any possibility of Saida feeling how I felt, that sparkle alone should tell me. We had this chemistry that you couldn't find with just anybody. It makes me wonder if she secretly knew but didn't say anything about it. Maybe she's waiting for me. What if she's waiting for me?

Saida smiled, glancing over at the clock to check the time. It should come as no surprise that it was lunch already. The girl lived in the art studio, putting off meals much to my dismay. If it were possible to bring her food here I would. Even a sip of water would suffice but Saida wouldn't accept that. Anyone disturbing her amid her creativity may as well kiss the world goodbye. Anyone except for me of course.

Gliding over, the delight on her face filled my body with warmth as it was clear she was happy to see me. "Did you come up here to get me?" She wondered with a joyous undertone.

I smile nervously, trying not to come on too strong. She still is oblivious to how I feel. "Yeah, I wanted to make sure you ate something." My giggle fills the room. "It's cool if you're not ready...I can wait."

Her head turns back to her painting before focusing her attention on me again. "Oh...I can finish tomorrow." Her shoulders shrug. "Mr. Calypso won't mind."

The way she was willing to put a pause on her craft just because I came to get her made me swoon even more. Whether she wanted more with me or not, my opinion meant a lot to Saida. Sometimes she'd even wait for my stamp of approval before she did something reckless. I don't want to say that I had control over her because that's not what this is. We both held a lot of value for each other and no offense to the others, but we're the most level-headed out of the group.

Saida was also the most emotionally intelligent. The way she was able to pick up on other's feelings was rather impressive. She's always been a feeler and that's one of the things that drew me to her. The compassion Saida was able to possess is something most people lack. How she, of all people, ended up that way from the family she comes from is a feat. You'd expect her to be ice cold, looking down on everyone the way Issac does. Saida was special.

Her arms crossed over her chest as a somber expression took over her face. "I know everyone's been bugging you about prom," she sighs. "But I hope you're not letting them get to you."

I scoffed, unfazed by everyone's complaints. "Oh, no. I'm not even sweating it," I lied. It was so she wouldn't worry.

It put her mind at ease as her lips curved into a gigantic grin. "Sometimes I forget how strong you are Summer." She comes over to try and hug me but I put my hand up before she gets close.

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