12~ Black Lungs

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12~ Black Lungs

As we approached my friends, Kailey waved at me frantically, as she always does. I don't understand how that girl had so much energy but she's always been a weird case. I still loved her for it, and I reciprocated by waving.

Then my gaze shifted to Isaac, who had a sly grin on his face. Our conversation still bothered me, but I knew he would not tell Saida. Issac had a bad habit of making empty threats but never following through. However, if my relationship with Saida grew stronger, I would not be surprised if he revealed the truth.

Of course, my gaze was drawn to Saida, who stared back at me with intent. Her gaze focused on the way I was staring at Maisie. Previously, I could not understand what Maisie meant. Staring at her now, I saw Saida's death glare. She did not like Maisie.

However, everyone else was as welcoming as usual. "Summer, you brought our friend back with you again?" Kailey gushed.

I laughed. "Only for a moment," I said, as Maisie did not seem to enjoy crowds. She was nice about it, though.

"Yeah, but I enjoy seeing you guys," Maisie said, before looking at me. "Summer remember my offer." She gave me a wink before walking away.

As always, we watched her walk away, her beautiful hair swaying behind her. My heart continued to pound in my chest from what we shared just moments ago. That girl would kill me. She was like an addiction that was difficult to overcome. The fact that she dared to kiss me in the middle of the hallway piqued my interest. It does not help that we see each other every day thanks to dance. I will never get a break from her.

Fortunately, none of my friends noticed the wink and proceeded to Saida's car again for lunch outside of school. It was becoming a habit for us, and I did not mind because school lunch was disgusting. However, their questions about Maisie irritated me. I understand she was the school's it girl, but there was not much I could say. Except for walking to lunch, we only spent two seconds together. She always leaves immediately afterward.

"Pretty soon Sum Sums will leave us to hang out with Maisie," David teased.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I am not!" We hardly hang out as it is." I try to explain to them.

"You are with her almost every day now," Kailey continued. "Should have been me, but whatever."

We went outside as we approached Saida's car. "That is because we are in the same program," I replied. "I can't help that it's before lunch."

They were reading too much into it. I know they were all excited for me, but I did not want them to believe anything that was not true. Despite the kiss, Maisie and I were not as close as they tried to make it appear. I was not going to leave them for her either. We have been friends for a long time. I would never trade them for anybody.

To everyone's disgust, David decided he needed a five-minute smoke break. It was also cutting into our lunchtime that we couldn't get back. However, we let him do it anyway and waited by the car until he was finished.

Meanwhile, Mason approached my side of the car with a smirk on their face. Mason could always tell when something was wrong with me and would never hesitate to ask. Before getting into the details, they checked to see if there was anyone else nearby.

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