2~ Your Mask Is Slipping

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2~ Your Mask Is Slipping

Approaching the gigantic, 4-story building, Saida parked in the spot she chose every day. Right next to her was Kailey, our red-haired diva, in the Tesla she got from her parents for Christmas. This was the car she's been waiting on for years and she finally got it. To say she was overcome with glee would be an understatement. Her life was complete once she got this car. No one can tell her any different. Aside from her car, Kailey was our die-hard yogi with a knack for writing. The poems she'd create were moving and seem-less. You'd never guess she'd be into poetry by her attire and it-girl attitude. But let's face it, she was the it girl.

Along with her was our dear friend Mason. I loved Mason so much. It's like they got me without even trying to get me. The connection we shared was this beautiful twin flame situation. They were the ones giving me confidence about my issue with Saida as they were nonbinary while comfortably living in their truth. How I wished to be more like them but I wasn't as confident. That's all a part of figuring out who you are I guess. Not only were they nonbinary but Mason is a fabulous photographer. They're planning on making a career out of it and I did not doubt that they'll succeed.

Our last friend, coming in hot with his decked-out Ferrari and cigarettes, is David. David, with his many tattoos and freckles splattered across his face, was our wildcard friend. He was also on the football team alongside Issac but he wasn't a douchebag like him. Something is endearing about David that just makes you want to be his friend. On top of that, he was very into baked goods that were delicious. I got him hooked up with my sister because she runs her bakery here in Sunbury. His family didn't agree with it, but once we graduated he'd be an apprentice to my sister. Now if only we could get him to stop smoking.

Seems as though the gang was all here and all of us were late as usual. It wouldn't amount to anything since all of their parents add funds to the school. As to how I'm lucky to avoid trouble, the answer is association. As long as you were close to someone who had influence, you were protected. The favoritism at this school is ridiculous but it's to be expected. You can't get anywhere in Sunbury without it.

Getting out of the car, Kailey came over to hug me with her designer shades and overbearing perfume smell. I tried not to hack over how strong it was but my god. You'd be able to smell her from a mile away. Did everyone just say yes to whatever she wanted to do? Someone needs to teach her what the word no means.

"Summer! Your hair is gorgeous as ever," she complimented. "Your curls are the perfect spiral."

I laughed, desperate to get at least 2 inches of space between us. Her scent was burning my nostrils.

Leave it to Mason to compliment themselves as well. "Yes, this is the best your hair has ever looked," they say. "But it could never look as good as mine."

My eyes roll playfully at their candidness. Mason did have great hair though. There were multiple things you could do with it and it'll always look healthy. It's a mystery how they keep their strands so vibrant. I should have asked for tips from them but it was probably some expensive regime that my family couldn't afford. At least we weren't going to waste money on something we could do ourselves.

I hugged them very quickly as they had to get the camera set up for our photo. Every year, for the past 3 years, Mason has taken a photo of our group every morning for a personalized memorabilia once we go our separate ways. It was a nice way for us to look back on our high school life before heading to college or whatever other ventures we had planned. This is not to say we won't be friends once we graduate, but people do grow apart. I for one will cherish these memories for as long as possible.

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