House of madness and horrors

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General Randall's troops continued to lead Isaac and his friends down to her base at the Navy bunker. As they drove, they noticed that the roads are completely clean. No destruction, no bodies, no blood, not even dead demons. It was getting clear that this was a safe area, which means they made the right choice of leaving the mall. Isaac noticed how Beth was twitchy and moving around her strait jacket.

Isaac: Why is Beth restrained like that? Is she hostile again?

Matt: Pay her no mind. Beth asked for this to protect her from herself. The Forbidden Knowledge is changing her more and more, like granting her telekinesis. 

Pam: She has powers?! Why the hell wasn't I told about this?!

Kevin: It freaked me out when I saw it, but Beth doesn't mean any harm to us. In a nutshell, she's like a friendly possessed woman.

Isaac: I believe it. What else happened at the mall?

Kevin: Our worst nightmare. Dana is alive and she's back on Earth. Her cult members broke into the mall to try and steal the Forbidden Knowledge, so that means Dana knows about it.

Felicia:  Just what we need. A psycho cult leader bitch with powers, and now a little girl with powers. All because of that damn demon book.

Isaac: There's nothing good about that book. We can't let Dana get her hands on it.

Clover: But she can't even read the book, right? Only Beth can read it since she's immune to it.

Isaac: That's only because Dana doesn't know about Beth. But even if she doesn't, you can bet that she'll still come for the book and use it for her depraved methods.

Tanisha: Whoa. Hey, you guys may want to look at this.

At the end of the bridge, they could see a military huge military base on an island

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At the end of the bridge, they could see a military huge military base on an island. The Navy bunker now renamed the Hyperion. Before the apocalypse, the bunker was meant for housing the President and government officials, as well as deploying troops for war. It only makes sense that Randall would turn this place into a safe haven. When they got closer to the Hyperion, they could see young soldiers or civilian volunteers patrolling the gate.

Matt: My gosh. They've really outdone themselves here. This is even better than the mega mall.

Garth: Is okay. Smelly humans made good home for themselves.

Tanisha: I'll say. Look at all of this protection. Unless those demons can fly, I can't see this place getting swarmed. What do you think, Isaac?

Isaac: I'll feel better once I've met Randall first. I'm not ready to call this place safe.

Kevin: Always with the cautious attitude. I swear, it's almost like you're not at peace unless you're always fighting and killing. No offense.

Isaac: Old habits are hard to break. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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