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I decided to cut my trip to Houston short by a day, since I got everything done. I went and physically viewed the two buildings that I was looking at, and I still haven't made a decision. I'm just gonna talk to Dani when I get back and let her view the pictures and make the decision.

I spent some more time with my grandparents, and I can honestly say that I miss them. But I miss my daughter more which is why I'm leaving today, instead of on Saturday, and this way I can be sure to make her first game.

I know my daughter, and I know she would've been disappointed and upset with me, had I missed her first game. I've been there for all of her firsts, so why should I stop now?

My grandmother is taking me to the airport, and you can almost imagine how this is gonna go. I don't mind riding with her, but I know the dramatics are about to be on 10.

My G couldn't take me, since he had a business meeting. And I wouldn't trust Rodney to take me no where, I'm not trying to miss this flight, and I'm willing to bet this nigga was somewhere fuckin last night.


"Aurelia, darling? Are we ready, now?" Glam asked as I opened my hotel room door for her to enter. Surprised she don't have her rose petals today.

"Almost, just gotta make sure I have everything." I said looking around everywhere to ensure all of my stuff is packed. I take after Chelsea when it comes to hotel stays. I am known to leave something, mainly my phone charger.

"Do you need any help?" I know she not offering to help me, she'll probably call down to the lobby and have them send a bellhop or somebody up here.

"No thanks, I'm almost done. Just gotta grab my charger and toothbrush." I said as I threw my charger into my suitcase.

"When do you think you'll be back?" she asked once I came out of the restroom.

"I'm not sure. But it will definitely be back again this summer, that way Amani will be able to spend more time down here." I responded zipping up my bag. We'll probably come back during her bye week from cheering.

"Why don't you let her stay for the summer?" she suggested. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Sorry, Glam, no can do. I'll miss her too much, and probably be back to come get her after a week. And she's a cheerleader and gymnast now, so her summer is pretty busy now."

"Oh that's right! When is her first game?" she asked as we started walking out of the room.

"Tomorrow morning at 10." she went to say something, but somebody cut her off once we got inside the elevator.

"I'm sorry, but are you Aurelia?" some female asked, she looked around my age.

"Yes." I said hesitantly.

"I love your store, that's like the first place my daughter and I go to, whenever we're in San Diego." she said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much." I smiled warmly.

"Are you planning to expand anywhere else? Sorry if I'm bothering you."

"It's no problem, but I'm looking to open one here."

"Cool. Well nice meeting you!" she hurried off the elevator once we'd reached the ground floor.

"Well that was interesting." Glam said once we stepped off as well.



"Aurelius and I will try to make her game in the morning, but if we can't I'll let you know, and we'll try to make the ones after that." Glam said as we pulled up to the airport. Yes, I'm named after my granddad.

"Ok, that's fine." I said stepping out the car. The way she had this set up, you'd think I was the president's daughter. I mean we had escorts and everything.

"Farewell, darling. Have a safe flight, and call me when you get there." she told me before I got too far ahead.

After informing her that I would, the cars pulled off, and I went inside to check in. Glad I have my reservation number, because I do not wanna stand in that long ass line.

I went straight to the kiosk and printed out my boarding pass. San Diego here I come!

"Nice entrance, ya had thea." I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic voice.

"Thanks," I spat dryly as I pulled my luggage with me to head to security.

"How ya been though?" he asked. Ugh! I wish he would go somewhere and leave me alone. Should've postponed this trip for a week.

"Excellent, up until this moment." I faked smiled and turned back around to focus on this long ass security line in front of me.

"Why you gotta do me like dat, ma?"

"Like what? Like I'm not happy to see you? I'm not." I replied moving up in the line.

"I'm happy ta see you though, and I miss ya."

"If I were you, I would feel that way about me too." I said handing the TSA agent my I.D. and boarding pass before continuing in the line for the metal detectors.

"So what ya end up having?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes yet again. I'll be so glad when we can finally go our separate ways.

"Oh, so now you worried? Why you wanna know what I had, didn't you tell me to get rid of that thing?" I quoted in his voice. "Oh here, so you can't say I owe you nothin either" I said as I went in my wallet and pulled out $500 and handed it to him.

I don't usually walk around with that much cash, but ever since my first run in with him, I knew I would see him again, so I stopped and got cash, and I've held on to it ever since, just waitin on this moment.

"Ion want this, I just wanna see my baby." He smirked, trying to give the money back to me.

"YOUR baby?!?!?! Whatever you been smokin, imma need for you to go to rehab for it. MY child and I want nothing to do with you, just like you wanted nothing to do with her. So keep the money, and go on about your merry little life. We straight, we been straight, and we gon remain straight." I said finally going through the metal detector.

Adonis had me fucked up. How dare he try to claim Amani as his, where the fuck was he at when she used to wake up at random times in the night asking for her daddy to come protect her from the monsters? Where was he when she was sad she couldn't go to the father-daughter dance with her actual dad? Where was he, when she said her first word, 'da-da'? No where to be fuckin found, is where he was at. And even when I reached out and tried to involve him during the first year of her life, he either sent me to voicemail or he told me 'didn't I tell you not to call me fa shit when you leave? Ok, so stop callin my damn phone.' So at this point, fuck Adonis Malik Carter with several of the biggest dicks found. And I mean that in the most disrespectful way possible.

As I was gettin all my stuff together, and puttin my shoes back on, I heard him speak.

"Just remember, I'm leavin my heart, witchu. Fa eva and always."

Ha! he still got me fucked up. "I left it a long time ago." and with that I went to find my gate. I need a clear head space before I land in Cali. I pulled out my headphones and went to my Pandora app to listen to Aaliyah's radio. First song that played: The One I Gave My Heart To.

I shook my head, this song used to speak hella volumes for me after I left Adonis crazy ass. This andWhat Is Love? used to be on repeat daily for about a good month. I used to listen to Hurts the Mostby Monica as well, but I couldn't relate to the whole song, just a few parts here and there, but it still managed to put me in my feelings and make me cry.

But now? I laugh at that, I got over Adonis and this situation a long time ago, it's all irrelevant now and he was left in the past for a reason, wish he would've just stayed there. I forgave him for my sanity, and for my daughter's sake. I couldn't let what he said to me and about her, affect how I treated her.

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