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Sejal :

The next day, I woke up and started my daily routine, combing my hair as I got ready. But my mind kept wandering back to the day before, thinking about how close we were and how he encouraged me to stand up for myself.

I'm confused about what to think. When a few bad things happen, I start to see everything in a negative light and assume everyone is the same. It feels like there's no escape or solution.

Sometimes I wonder, is Adhyaan's kindness genuine or just a mask? I struggle to believe that someone is treating me well and showing me , as it's something I've longed for from others for years. I've been searching for someone who would be there for me, and now that I've found it, I'm questioning its authenticity. But I think I need to let go of my doubts and just enjoy the moment. Instead of overthinking, I should embrace the positivity and see where it takes me.

After getting ready, I took a few minutes to tidy up my hair and review my work tasks. I've been in my new job for a few weeks now, and I'm pleased to say that things are going good. I've been settling in nicely and doing well. I took a moment to check my schedule and tasks for the day, feeling organized and prepared.

After that, I left my room and put on the bangles. I was surprised by how good they looked on me! It felt overwhelming, knowing they were a gift from him and held sentimental value. To me, they're priceless - it's like having everything I need. I know it might sound exaggerated, but lately, I've felt a strong attachment to them. They make me feel special.

It feels like he's a part of me, and I have to admit, I've started developing feelings for him. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm feeling, but it's confusing and exciting at the same time. Anyway, I'm just happy to have these bangles as a reminder of him, and that's all that matters to me right now.

Next, I walked over to the dining table and sat down beside Adhyaan, who was already seated. He was wearing his business suit, looking as handsome as ever. When I glanced over at him, I caught him looking at me, and I quickly averted my eyes.

I can't seem to meet his gaze for some reason. Part of me wants to stare into his eyes all day, but at the same time, I just can't bring myself to do it. It's like I'm afraid of what might happen if I do, so I find myself looking around the room instead, avoiding eye contact altogether.

Before long, breakfast was served, and we all ate in silence. Once we finished, I got up to head back to my room, but Adhyaan called out to me and said...

Adhyaan asked me

"Sejal, would you like to join me for lunch today?"

I was really surprised, I didn't expect him to ask me that

So I asked him back


He responded with a question,

"Yes, do you see anyone else around?"

I shook my head, indicating 'no'.

Then he asked me again

" So, will you Sejal?."

I was too stunned to say anything, so I just nodded my head to agree. He quickly responded.

"Cool, let's go!"

I said,

"But it's not lunchtime yet."

He sighed and said,

"Yes, it's not lunchtime yet, but let's go out anyway. We can grab lunch and then I'll drop you off at home, okay?"

I nodded my head to say yes, feeling too overwhelmed to speak.

He said,

"Let's go!' or 'Let's get moving!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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