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Sejal :

As I walked into the living room, my mind filled with curiosity and confusion. I couldn't help but wonder why I was even there, and what the upcoming discussion would entail. The room was filled with everyone, gathered on the grand sofa, ready to engage in conversation. Uncertain of where to sit, Adhyaan came to my rescue, pulling me towards the smaller sofa beside him.

In that moment, I couldn't help but notice Adhyaan's attempt to act as if nothing had transpired the night before. It was as if he had forgotten all about his closeness with Natasha, and the impact it had on me. It left me questioning our relationship, not just as a wife, but even as a friend who he had chosen to bring into this house. The mixed emotions swirled within me as I sat there silently

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, Adhyaan's voice suddenly broke through the silence, whispering playfully into my ears, "Hey, what's cookin' in that beautiful mind of yours?"

I replied straight, trying my best not to be rude, "Oh, nothing much, just partying!"

Adhyaan chuckled, clearly enjoying . "A party, huh? Well, Can I get a sneak peek into that wild mind of yours?"

This man, with all the audacity in the world, decides to be playful with me after last night. Even if I'm exaggerating a bit, it still affects me. Maybe I don't love him, but there's a sense of being husband and wife, you know? And it's only natural for me to feel uncomfortable when he gets too close to her. What's really getting on my nerves is that he seems oblivious to his actions and what he's missing out on. And now, out of nowhere, he suddenly has all the time in the world to pass playful comments? It's frustrating, to say the least.

So I replied back, "Well, sorry, but only VIPs are allowed here, and it seems like you don't fit the criteria." I couldn't help but give him a not-so-sweet smile in return.

As he replied, a mischievous smile played on his lips. "Well, you know, it's true. Because I do fit the husband criteria," he said, his voice filled with playful confidence. Leaning in closer, he whispered into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't help but wonder if he had bumped his head somewhere last night. What on earth happened to him? Or maybe it was because I started snapping him? It was as if he had transformed overnight, leaving me perplexed and curious about the sudden change in his behavior. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to this, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

But before I could say anything else, Tara and Urvashi interjected, their voices filled with excitement.

"Hey everyone, listen up! We've gathered here to celebrate the 80th birthday of our sweet dadi, and  the big day is just around the corner, happening tomorrow!"

I stood there, my mouth forming a perfect "O" shape, completely caught off guard. It felt like I had been living in my own little bubble, completely oblivious to everything happening in this house. But I quickly shook off those thoughts, reminding myself not to dwell on them. Instead, I focused my attention on Tara and Urvashi.

Then Urvashi chimed in, her voice filled with excitement. "Guess what? We've made a decision! We're going to host a spectacular party at our place. We can invite all of our friends and family, and oh, there's one more thing..." Her words hung in the air, leaving me intrigued and eager to hear what she had to say next.

Tara excitedly joined the conversation, sharing her idea for the party theme. "You know what? Let's go Desi! We can have all the ladies wear beautiful sarees and the men can rock kurta pajamas. It's a perfect fit for our Little Desi dadi, don't you think?" Tara's suggestion immediately caught my attention, and I couldn't help but agree with her. The theme would add a touch of cultural charm to the celebration.

So, we all agreed that everyone would bring their own guests to the party, except for me since I'm already a guest in this house, and Adhyaan's guest too. And guess what? Tomorrow is dadi's birthday! But honestly, I'm not a big fan of big parties either. They just don't really float my boat, you know? Especially when you don't have someone to tag along with, it can make things a bit more challenging. It's like feeling left out in the middle of everyone, and that's exactly why I dislike it even more.

Oh, let me tell you about the saree situation! It was quite a predicament, I must say. As now we were all expected to don these elegant sarees for the occasion. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to the art of draping a saree. But here's where things got tricky. I only had one saree with me, and it happened to be in this intriguing shade of maroon. Not exactly a deep maroon, mind you, but more like a captivating blend of dark red tones, unlike the vibrant ones you usually see. You see, I didn't bring much of my stuff when I embarked on this journey, and I count myself fortunate to have at least one saree in my possession. It's a unique piece that truly reflects my personal style.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I noticed Natasha approaching and taking a seat next to Adhyaan. She leaned in and started a conversation.

" Isn't that pleasant, we are going to celebrate her birthday grandly"

He replied with a small smile " yeah , indeed it is."

As they delved into their conversation, my mind wandered, contemplating the nature of their discussion. Business, perhaps? Or some other topic that was beyond my knowledge and interest. I made a conscious decision to detach myself from their exchange, not allowing it to occupy my thoughts or concern me. It was clear to me that Natasha had her own agenda, and as for Adhyaan, I couldn't help but question his awareness of the situation. Was he oblivious to what was happening, or was he simply choosing to ignore it? The answers eluded me, but I refused to dwell on them

Just as my frustration was reaching its peak, I made up my mind to remove myself from the situation before it could further dampen my mood. But, of course, Adhyaan couldn't resist interjecting with his own words, adding fuel to the fire.

"Sejal, where are you off to? Everyone is gathered here," Adhyaan called out, his voice laced with curiosity, as I made my way towards the exit.

But I replied firmly, stating that " to my room, I have some work" I explained

Just as Adhyaan was about to utter a word, Natasha swiftly interjected, diverting his attention once again. He simply nodded in response, resuming their conversation. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that he didn't attempt any physical gestures like he did in the kitchen earlier. Besides, with everyone present, it was highly unlikely that he would make any such advances.

I couldn't help but feel my mood sour as Adhyaan once again managed to disturb my peace. Frustrated and seeking solace, I swiftly retreated to the comfort of my room. It baffled me how he could engage in actions that had the potential to affect others and then appear completely unaffected by the consequences. Why did he feel the need to take the lead when he couldn't even control his own actions? Was it simply a matter of his mood dictating his behavior, regardless of the impact it had on someone else's emotional state? It left me pondering why he would willingly spoil someone else's mood without a second thought.

I found myself growing increasingly frustrated with this ongoing feeling, questioning why I allowed Adhyaan's behavior to have such a significant impact on my mood. Why couldn't he just show a little more sensibility?

Later on, I decided to stay in my room for the rest of the day. I had a few meetings scheduled regarding my office work, and I was also occupied with new projects that required my attention. The hours seemed to blur together, and before I knew it, it was already dinner time. Feeling the pangs of hunger from not having eaten since morning, I finally emerged from my room. Gradually, everyone else joined for dinner, and after discussing the day's events, it seemed like everyone dispersed to tend to their respective tasks.

I was unsure of where to sit during dinner since I had been told to sit somewhere else when Natasha had joined us previously. As Adhyaan and the other members slowly joined, Adhyaan kindly offered me a seat next to him. Not wanting to argue, I quietly took the seat and hoped to enjoy my meal in peace. However, my peace was disrupted when Natasha joined and sat beside Adhyaan, leaving him in between us. It's not that I hate her, but I can't deny the strong negative vibes I feel from her, even though I can't fully express it right now.

With my mood already sour due to her presence, I didn't feel like speaking much. Adhyaan tried to initiate a few conversations, but I quickly dismissed them before they could go any further. As a result, I left as soon as I could because I didn't want to engage in any conversation with him.

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