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Sejal :

Later that day, I found myself sitting in my room, completely focused on my work. During the meeting, they mentioned that for now, there aren't any new projects to work on. However, they assured me that once there are, they'll definitely assign me to a team.

The rest of the day, I just sat in my room feeling a bit down and not really in the mood to do anything. As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I started questioning myself. Was I just assuming that he cared about me? Maybe I was expecting too much. I just hoped that he would remember that it's my first day and show some support. Sometimes I feel silly for assuming things and getting my hopes up.

Well, you know, it's a forced marriage after all. So, what can we really expect from it? She's just so much better than me in terms of looks, confidence, and everything else. She has this certain aura that seems to fit perfectly with Adhyaan. I mean, he's the top billionaire, so it's only natural that he'd be surrounded by people like her. They just seem to click together. I don't really know what's going on between them, or if anything is happening at all. But I can't help but feel a bit affected by their closeness.

Later that evening, I was just minding my own business in my room. But then, I decided to step out and treat myself to a nice cup of tea. As I made my way to the living room, I noticed the trio huddled together, deep in conversation and gossiping about something. They caught sight of me and greeted me with a smile, inviting me to join in.

" If you don't mind can you bring three strong coffee for us" spoke Natasha

I didn't say much or argue with them. It's not like I feel like I have a place to argue anyway. But honestly, it didn't bother me much because I was just focused on making my tea. That was my main priority at that moment, and I didn't want anything to distract me from enjoying my cup of tea.

So, I went ahead and made some tea and coffee for everyone, including myself. They kindly offered me a seat, even though I didn't really feel like sitting with them. But I didn't want to come across as rude, so I decided to go ahead and sit down. I just sat there, sipping my tea, trying to make the best of the situation.

While Natasha spoke

" never saw you before, you're Adhyaan's colleague?"

She spoke making a straight face , While I just nodded.

Later, she asked me to tell her something about myself. I felt a bit unsure about what to say. I couldn't quite understand why they were suddenly interested in questioning me. It made me feel a little confused and caught off guard.

So I just spoke "my name is Sejal "

So she responded " that's it?"

Before I could say anything else , she spoke

" you look fine, why did adhyaan even hired you I don't know"

I didn't know how to respond in that moment, so I ended up staying silent. But before she could say anything else, I gathered my courage and finally spoke up.

" I have some work , I'll be going" and made my way towards my room

I don't understand why she said those mean comments. It's really puzzling to me what her problem is with me. But I'm trying not to dwell on her words too much. Today has been quite overwhelming, so I decided to take a nap in the evening around six thirty. My head was throbbing from all the events of the day, and I needed some rest.

I have no idea how it happened, but when I finally woke up, it was already around nine. I must have slept for much longer than I intended. Those evening naps can be tricky like that, you never really know how long you'll end up sleeping. But you know what? Despite the uncertainty, there's something so satisfying about those deep, uninterrupted slumbers. It's like the best kind of sleep you can get.

After a while, I freshened up and put my hair into a loose bun. I stepped out of my room, feeling a bit hungry. Honestly, I didn't have any expectations that anyone would invite me to have dinner with them. Sometimes, I question why I even stay here. Who am I staying here for? What's the real motive behind it all? If he hadn't blackmailed me about my job, I wouldn't have agreed to this situation. I can't help but wonder why he wants to do all of this. It's just so confusing.

But not wanting to stress myself out even more, I decided to leave my room and head towards the kitchen. I was hoping to find something else to eat, since I didn't think there would be anything left from dinner. As I made my way towards the kitchen, something caught my eye from the entrance.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I entered the kitchen. There was Adhyaan and Natasha, standing so close to each other. Natasha was helping him clean the water from his t-shirt with a tissue. It made me feel a mix of emotions, like a knot in my stomach. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on between them.

In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal. It's hard to put into words the mix of emotions I was experiencing. I wanted to scream and let everyone know that he's my husband, and they shouldn't be having those intimate moments. It felt like I had so much to say and protest against, but at the same time, I felt completely powerless. It was such a frustrating and helpless feeling.

I remained silent, my eyes welling up with tears. The emotions I was experiencing were unfamiliar and overwhelming. I made the decision to quietly leave the kitchen, but in that moment, the vase in the corner fell, making a loud noise. Before they could notice me, I quickly apologized and hurriedly ran out of the kitchen, making my way back to my room.

I locked myself in my room, feeling a wave of emotions I couldn't quite understand. It was like being caught in a tangled web where he's supposed to be mine, but it doesn't feel that way. I wanted to let out my frustrations and express my anger and sadness to Adhyaan, but amidst it all, a nagging question kept haunting me. What are we, really? Are we truly husband and wife? But then it hit me, this marriage was forced upon us, and it hurts to realize that.

It's like, he did mention wanting to give our relationship a shot, right? But here's the thing, what if he's only doing it out of pity for my situation? It's a tough spot to be in, feeling uncertain about his true intentions. I think it's important for us to have an open and honest conversation to address these concerns and find some clarity. Communication is key, my friend!

It is so frustrating to feel stuck in a situation where you have this strong urge to express yourself, but you find yourself at a loss for words. It's like the words just won't come out, no matter how much you want to say something.

Natasha :

After my conversation with Sejal, this overwhelming anger and hatred consumed me when Tara revealed how close she and Adhyaan were. It ignited this powerful urge within me to remove her from this house, to make her suffer for eyeing my adhyaaan. I wanted to unleash my vengeance upon her, to see her crushed and defeated.

I can't stand her being around, thinking she can just take Adhyaan away from me. Not in her wildest dreams. I've loved him for seven long years, ever since we first met, and that love still burns within me. No one can love him more than I do. What does she even have to offer? It's infuriating to think that she believes she can steal my Adhyaan from me. She has no idea what she's up against.

Oh, she's absolutely nothing compared to me. I could easily kick her out of this house in a heartbeat. But where's the excitement without a challenge, right? Now, it's time to show her exactly where she belongs. Ever since Tara told me about this girl, I've been seething with frustration. She's about to learn just how powerful I can be.

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