☣C H A P T E R | O N E☣

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"The Greatest Show in New York recedes in activities as summer weather comes to a close, locals and newcomers to Maiden Merlot's Mischievous Festivals dawning fur and winter outerwear in anticipation of watching the grand finalé performances promised by the owners and long-time friends of all of Manhattan, Arthur Francois and Marion Annabelle Merlot, who've graced the city with their wonderful circus ever since the upbringing of their humble entertainment business here in 1913."

The article, with agrained photo beneath it and captioned "The Merlot Family, May 15th of 1913", portrayed a lively, grinning young couple in their 30s'-- alongside them stared the innocent eyes of a young teen, the face now unfamiliar to Emily, whose eyes only lingered on the picture for a moment. Despite the consistent droning of noise from horns, clowns, and animals reverberating off of the shabby, wooden, shed-like walls, she continued to read, eyes glazing over the eye-catching pictures and propaganda with increasing disinterest.

"Worried about feeding the kids? Not a bother! Maiden Merlot's is offering exquisite on-site eatery from its own cast. Feeling a hot meal? Try Eugene's Hot Rolls! Bread and coffee fresh and made right in front of you! Craving a sweet? Chiyo's Fine Baked Goods offers a once-in-a-lifetime taste of a secret recipe she's not yet revealed!

And for the Main Event, The Merlot's own daughter, Emeline Beaulah Merlot, known in the business by her stage name, Poppet, has promised the most dangerous, death-defying, HUMAN-LIMIT DEFYING SHOW OF HER LIFE! With no net to catch her fall, she dares to perform her graceful acrobatics within feet of the viewer's gaze! What more thrill could be found than watching man FLY?"

Warm, wet sludge splat itself across her cheek, droplets of yellow slime sticking in small bubbles on the top corners of the page aside the one she had been reading. Her eyes peer up for a moment between strands of dark hair, hands then pushing them aside as she gazes above the paper to find a peculiarly guilty smile in her direction.

"So sorry, Ms. Emily!" The woman bows, her chin descending below her chest. She only stood 3 feet tall, the black locks falling to her knees accentuating both her size and squinted eyes, and doing little to hide pigments of pink on her cheeks and nose. Her accent was thick- beautiful, but hard to understand if someone without it wasn't paying enough attention.

Emily reaches up to wipe the pudding from her face, promptly sticking her finger in her mouth and savoring the taste of the sweet. Buttercream and cinnamon swim around her taste buds and she hums, eyes wide in excitement, "Oh, splendid! This might be your best creme filling yet."

Relief floods Chiyo's face, her plump cheeks rosy as she bows forward once again, her head only tilting to follow the small shift in her weight. "Thank you, Ms. Emily. I've invested in a secret ingredient that is sure to wow the crowd!" Her eyes are lit with excitement, a fire twirling deep within her pupils that makes Emily smile.

"I never doubted you, friend. Just have caution when I'm about with the paper if you'd be so kind?"

The baker nods, her smile never faltering. "Never a problem... might you be joining us for the banquet tonight?"

Realization hits her- tonight was the annual End-of-Season Solstice, where all of the circus "freaks" would gather amongst themselves with food and good tidings of the year and years to come. It would always be hosted in the yard once the tents were pulled down, each member of the cast putting in their tips and wages, as well as their time, blood, sweat, and tears, to ensure that they could all have at least one night of celebration amongst each other- with the one family that had always been behind them.

Emily had always attended, despite her father's begging. She had grown up with the lot around her every day, and she saw them as kin as much as her own blood.

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