Chapter 9 - James' POV

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"Dad, can I come with you? Just this once, I've finished my semester exams, my grades are good, and I've already sent out my college applications. If I stay here waiting for responses, doing nothing, I'm going to go crazy. I promise to not give you any trouble!" Chloe whined as she finished her dinner next to her father.

"You never give me trouble, Chloe! I just don't want you to feel left out, because I won't be able to give you as much attention," Russ explained, setting his utensils on his plate. "I would love to take you..."

"So, take me, Daddy! Please, I don't want to stay here alone," Chloe whined again.

"Hey, what about me and your brother?" Charlotte interrupted Chloe's conversation with our father.

"Oh, mom! For goodness' sake, James spends ninety percent of his time with Julia, and you..."

"Me?" Lotte stared at her daughter. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to go with your father this time, honey!"

"Yeah, Chlo-eh! Be like me and accept being left behind," I grumbled and got up from the table. "I'm going to Ju's house."

"Hey, young man, come back here now!" Russ protested, catching my attention with a firmer tone. "What's this about being left behind? When have we ever done that to you?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe always? Everything in this house is about Chloe. Because Chloe broke up, because Chloe argued with her friend, because Chloe has a haunting past because Chloe got back with her boyfriend. It's all about her, and I always get sidelined," I spoke a bit louder, letting the frustration show. "But whatever, I don't care, really. I've gotten used to being your second favorite son, and that's okay! Now, I'm going to Ju's house. Bye!"

"No, sir!" Charlotte grabbed my arm before I could walk away. "You're going to sit down, and we're going to talk about this. What's this about being the second favorite son? We don't have a favorite, you're both loved equally and treated equally. So please, sit down and explain this properly."

"I think I'm going to..." Chloe began to get up, but my father held her back before she could leave.

"None of that, nobody leaves this table until we sort this out. Even if we have to stay here all night," Russ set his plate aside, and we all followed suit. "Now, James, explain your indignation and frustration!"

"No, no need, it's okay!" I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.

"What makes you think Chloe is so much more important than you?" Charlotte asked, her voice sounding more maternal than usual.

"Nothing, it was just a joke, figure of speech. It's fine," I replied without looking at anyone, and my voice faltered at the end of the sentence.

"Come on, buddy, tell us what's going on," Russ requested, leaning his elbows on the table. "We want to hear you out and help you."

"It's nothing, I just think sometimes you forget you have two kids. You get so wrapped up in Chloe's problems that you might forget that I might need you too. After all, you're also my parents, and I'm also a teenager," I spoke softly, my voice faltering again at the end of the sentence. "Listen, it's okay. I can take care of myself, okay? I don't want you to think I'm problematic, full of drama and complicated situations. I'm not. But sometimes I wish I was seen more by you guys."

"But we've always been open for you to talk about your problems, sweetheart," Charlotte spoke with a weak voice. "We're always here ready to listen and help you, but you never reached out to us..."

Everyone fell silent for a few moments. I risked a glance at my sister, and saw her with her head bowed.

"Listen, I don't blame you guys for anything, really. My life is amazing. You guys are amazing. I just wish..."

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