Chapter 9 - Chloe's POV

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"Hey, good morning!" Charlotte greeted me as soon as she saw me appear in the kitchen doorway.

"Hi!" I replied, walking over to my mom. "Good morning!" I received an embrace from the eldest. "Need help with breakfast?"

"Could you take the yogurt and cereal, please? I've already taken care of the rest!" Charlotte handed me the food. "You look well!"

"And I am," I smiled and headed towards the dining room, where my dad and brother were chatting. "Good morning!" I placed the food on the table and sat down next to James.

"Hey, good morning!" Russ smiled at me. "Good to see you, we missed you this weekend!"

"Cut the lies, Dad! Nobody missed you, we even forgot you existed!" James teased, and I lightly pushed him. "Just kidding, you were missed!"

"Thanks for understanding!" I smiled as I received a hug from my brother. "I missed our chaos, but I needed some time alone."

"And you're absolutely right, daughter!" Charlotte entered the room and sat next to my dad. "We're very happy to see you like this, smiling and well!"

I smiled at everyone, grabbed the cereal box, and served myself. Everyone started eating, Russ was on his phone, Charlotte had a magazine on the table, and James was fully focused on his meal.

"I'm quitting the cheerleading squad!" I broke the silence, catching everyone's attention at the table. "I decided over the weekend, that I can't stay on the team hating my captain, I'm going to talk to Lilith and leave the team."

"But you love being a cheerleader, honey!" Lotte replied, her gaze was concerned.

"Yes, but staying on the team while having a Cold War with Lilith was killing me, I'd rather quit the team and maintain my emotional health!" I shrugged and smiled. "It'll be better this way."

"If it's going to make you feel better, you have my full support, princess!" Russ spoke.

"Definitely, it will make me feel better!" I smiled at my dad. "Now, off to school I go, I haven't graduated yet. James, want a ride?"

"Would love one!" James stood up and I followed suit. "Bye, family!"

"Bye! We love you!" Lotte and Russ said together.

Time seemed to stretch with every passing second as I prepared to confront Lilith. Each moment felt like an eternity, and nervousness only increased as the moment approached. But before that, there was another concern haunting me: the presentation of the essay in Literature class.

Even after switching partners and sitting next to Josh, the teacher insisted that I write about Matt. It was as if the universe was playing with me, bringing him back to the forefront of my attention just when I was trying my hardest to move on.

Matt no longer made the effort he used to stay in touch with me, and I respected his decision to give me space to adjust to the new reality. Our encounters in the hallways and during classes were marked by formal greetings and wishes for a good day. Gone were those deep and intimate conversations we used to have, and it hurt, but I knew it was necessary to move forward.

"The last to present will be the pair: Chloe Vitale and Matthew Miller!" the teacher announced, and I prepared my material to present.

Josh stared at me and smiled, it was what I needed to gather courage. I was completely nervous at this moment, but calm in knowing that Josh already knew this story, and that it wouldn't be a mystery to him.

"Do you want to start, or should I?" Matt asked as soon as we stood in front of the class.

"I can start!" I smiled and received Matt's forced smile in return.

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