Chapter 3 - Chloe's POV

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"Party at Marina's place today, six in the evening!"

I was going to this party, and I was going to have fun like I've never had with this group before. I was determined.

"Hey, Chlo-eh, what are you up to today?"

This time he messaged me on my phone instead of Instagram. I had given him my number because we had started chatting a lot on Instagram, and I didn't really like chatting there.

"Hi, Matt! I'm going to Marina's house, there's a party with the gang there, do you want to come?"

It wasn't my party to invite him to, but I didn't see any problem in asking him to join us, since he was always coming to our gatherings and events.

"Wow, cool! I'd love to, but is it okay if I come?"

"Yeah, no problem! I'll send you the address, and you can come, the party starts at six!"

"Okay, cool Chlo-eh, I'll arrive around seven thirty, I have a class at the gym, so I'll come after that!"

"Alright, see you then!"

I was excited to know that I would see Matt that day. I got ready, putting on jeans and a pink cropped top, and I wore my favorite pink and blue Nike sneakers. Light makeup, as always, just to highlight my eyes.

After finishing getting ready, I headed to Marina's house. Everyone was already arriving when I walked in, and I smiled when I saw Rodrigo sitting on the couch in the living room.

I put the drink I had brought in the kitchen and walked into the living room, just in time to see a girl I didn't know sit next to Rodrigo and put her legs on his lap. I stood there for a moment, until Liza approached and pulled me to the other side of the room.

"You were staring!" Liza said with her heavy accent. "What's going on between you and Rodrigo?"

"Nothing, we're just friends," I replied, grabbing a random glass from the table and taking a sip.

"Friends? Got it. Well, don't stare at your friend like that when he's with another girl, it looks bad on you," Liza moved away from me and sat far from everyone else, taking out her phone.

Which reminded me of Matt. I grabbed my phone and opened my conversation with Matt, there was a new message.

"Chlo-eh, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I smiled at my phone and checked the time, I had five more minutes before Matt arrived, but still, I left the house to wait for him outside. I was a bit surprised when I saw Rodrigo and the girl outside with a soccer ball, playing with each other.

It was annoying how everything Rodrigo did seemed to affect me, whether positively or negatively, there was always something that stirred me up, and I hated that. I hated it so much that everything he did that didn't involve me felt like a ball hitting my nose.

"Oh my God, Chloe, I'm so sorry!" Rodrigo came close to me and put his hand over mine on my nose. "Wow, I really didn't see you there. Are you bleeding?"

"Ouch!" was all I managed to say, my nose hurt, and I prayed it wasn't broken, the ball had hit harder than it seemed.

"Are you okay here?" Matt's voice came from behind Rodrigo.

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