Chapter 22

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"Yeah, my bad. How you been?" I laugh awkwardly.

I don't know why I was feeling so awkward as if the man I was standing in front of hadn't seen and tasted every part of my body.

But now. Now it felt like we were strangers trying to re-establish what our boundaries were.

"Honestly, I've been missing you Ci."

"I've been missing you too David. Like crazy. But you haven't been answering my calls."

He sighs before responding.

"I know Ci and-"

"David, I got you this flavour I think you'll like it."  A female voice interrupted standing in between us widening our gap putting her hand around his arm.

Now I see why he wasn't answering his calls.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise I was interrupting something important."

"You're not. I was just heading outside. Enjoy the rest of your night."

I didn't even wait for Dave to respond I just made my way outside to catch my breath because honestly there wasn't enough oxygen to breathe inside.

Who the hell is she?

I know David didn't bring some random girl to my mama's shop.

Ouuu I'm so mad.

"Cassidy hold up. It's not what you think." He said as he followed me outside.

"Look, you owe me no explanation, we not together right?"

"Cut the bullshit Ci. You know we're together even if we not."

"Says the one who hasn't been answering my calls."

"You know you deserved that Ci. I needed time to cool off. There wasn't a day you didn't cross my mind."

"I know I messed up David, but I'm not about to be no sister wife."

He laughed softly.

"I'm being serious nigga." I say folding my arms and mean mugging him.

"Nobody's trying to make you a sister wife, damn." He says placing his hands on my waist attempting to pull me closer to him.

As much as I've missed this, I didn't want to be on him without finding out who his little friend was.

"Stop fighting me Reine, I know you've missed me as much as I've missed you."

"Yes but you've also walked in here with some next chick so explain her before we continue with any pleasantries."

"Pleasantries huh ?" He said with a smirk.

"You're not talking fast enough David."

"That's Stacey mamas."

"Stacey? Stacey as in the one who works for you ?"

"Yep. She's trying out for Mikes role."

His matchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang