𝟏𝟎 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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I get out of my car. This is the address. Baseball. Why would he be at a baseball club. Oh right, because of Jeremy. Care texted me

Did you find him yet?

No, but I think I'm almost there. Tell Rebekah I said hi, and good luck with the decade dance.

I walk around the corner. I try to find him between all the people playing baseball. Then my eyes fall to the ground. "Kol!" I yell as I run over to him. Staked. I'm guessing Damon and Elena are here. After they killed Finn, Sage and her back-up died, or better said, Finn's whole bloodline died. So now they obviously want to find out who their sire is.

Kol gasps and pulls the piece of wood out of his body. "Kol." I say and I hug him. He hugs me back and we kiss. "Did you have any idea how worried I was? Next time, call me, jerk." "Sorry darling, but it was for your own good." "I'm just glad you're okay." I say and I hug him again.

We're in the car. "Who are we going to again?" I ask. "Mary Porter. She is the one who turned Rose, she turned Katherine, and well, you know the rest of the story." "Right." "This is going to be a long ride." Kol says. "Well, I'm always in for a roadtrip." I say and he chuckles. "So, who turned her? Who is her sire." "That doesn't matter."  "Well it kinda does, Care is also from her bloodline." I reply. "Don't worry. It's better if you don't know, that way you can't be tortured to find out who it was." Kol says, his eyes still on the road.

"I'm stronger than you think, I can handle it." I say. "Still, I'd sleep way better knowing you won't be tortured for answers ." Kol replies and I smile. 

"By the way we need to talk about Jeremy." "Really? Do we?" Kol complains. "Yes we do." I reply. "Ugh fine." "You can't just threaten Jeremy." "Why not?" "Because I don't have a problem with him, he did nothing to me, and even if he did, no reason to hurt him" I reply. "So, next time don't threaten him, or anyone else of them, okay?" "Fine." Kol says. "Promise?" I ask. "I promise."


Damon and Elena are in the house. I can hear them talking. "Mary." Damon says, looking at her dead body, which looks gross by the way. "Quite contrary." Kol says, turning a light on. Damon and Elena look shocked. "Aurora? What are you doing here? Did you help kill her?" Elena asks. "I am here to see Kol. And no I didn't kill her, who do you think I am? I was waiting outside, I don't really enjoy blood." I say, making Kol chuckle. "I do." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast." Kol says, getting up from his chair. "I don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie." Kol explains. "And were you her favorite?" Elena asks, as if Kol is dumb. "You mean, did I turn her?" Kol corrects her.

"I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period. Let's not forget the Elijah affair." Kol says. "I spoke to my brother. You're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So.. where did we leave off?" Kol asks, ticking the bat he is holding on the floor. 

Kol hits Damon's knees, making him fall to the ground and Elena recoils. Damon tries getting up, but Kol keeps hitting him. "Elena, get outta here." Damon says and Elena tries to run, but Kol stops her. "According to my brother, you're off limits. Please don't test me." Kol threatens and he pushes her away. Damon speeds over to Kol. "Don't touch her." Kol throws him back on the ground. 

"Oh, dear, I've hit a nerve." Kol laughs. "Relax darling, I just want us to be even." Kol says. Okay this is a little creepy. "Kol." I say. "You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me." Kol says and he keeps hitting Damon with his bat. "Kol! Enough!" I yell, and he stops hitting Damon. "There. Now we're even." Kol says. 

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