Ch 9: The Language of Flowers

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That night, I couldn't sleep. The thought of that lavender talking to me, was the only thing that occupied my mind.

I got up from my bed, and walked to the door. I only once looked back to see Elma and Lily cuddled up sleeping together.

I quietly made my way back to the lake, where the lavender patch awaited under the moonlit sky.

As I approached the spot where I had spoken to the flower earlier, a sense of anticipation fluttered in my chest.

Would the lavender still be there?

Would I still be able to communicate with it?

With each step I took forward there was a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through my veins.

I finally reached the lavender patch and knelt down beside the blooming flowers. To my relief, the lavender she had spoken to earlier was still there, its petals shimmering in the moonlight.

"Hello?" I whispered, unsure if the flower would respond.

I waited for a reply...

And kept waiting for another 10 minutes.

Maybe it was just luck. I gave up all hope about talking to the flower and decided to admire the scenery.

Moonlight filtered through the branches of the surrounding trees, casting ethereal shadows on the ground below. The lake besides glimmered softly in the moon's gentle glow, its surface rippling ever so slightly with the caress of the night breeze.

The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the faint scent of lavender mingled with the earthy aroma of the forest. The rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets provided a soothing soundtrack to the night, adding to the sense of tranquility that permeated the atmosphere.

Above, the stars twinkled brightly in the dark canvas of the sky, their light casting a soft, silvery sheen over the landscape below. It was a scene of breathtaking beauty, a moment frozen in time where nature and magic intertwined in perfect harmony.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the cool night air, as I felt a sense of peace wash over me. In that moment, I felt as if I was one with the world around me, connected to the earth and all its wonders.

However, the peaceful silence surrounding me was soon interrupted.

"The crazy girl is back!" the lavender's voice echoed in my mind once more

"I am not crazy!" I replied back flustered

How dare an ordinary flower insult me?

"S-She can hear my thoughts! Sweet Saintess above! Protect me from this evil!"

"I am not evil!"

"She heard my plea again! S-Sweet Saintes-wait, can you still hear me?"

"Yes, dear flower. I can still hear you. And I mean no harm to you or your comrades."

"But you nearly crushed me! And then you touched me with your filthy hands to-heal me? How did you heal me?" the flower kept asking

"I have magic, and one of my powers include healing flowers, it is called Floral Healing."

"She will kill us all!" the flower shouted again repeatedly until it was made to shut up.

"You should not insult the girl who saved you from your upcoming death!" Said a voice as

I narrowed my eyes toward another flower which looked pretty old and worn out.

I felt like the graceful voice was coming from there.

"Little girl" said that flower, "Thank you for saving our young sibling, he is still young and thus doesn't know how to speak. May the Saintess bless you for having mercy on our young Liv."

"I was the one who crushed him so I should be the one apologizing." I said while doing so and continued, "His name is Liv?"

"Yes dear girl, and I assure you that Liv will now apologize to you for his misbehavior too."

I soon heard a hesitant voice speaking.

"I didn't mean to insult you. It's just...we've never encountered a human who could hear our thoughts before." Liv apologized

I nodded understandingly, feeling a pang of sympathy for the frightened flower. "I can imagine that it must be quite unsettling," I said softly. "But I assure you, I am not like other humans. I have a special connection to nature, and I wish to use my powers for good."

The lavender seemed to consider my words for a moment before tentatively responding, "I...suppose I can trust you. After all, you did heal me when I was injured."

I smiled warmly at Liv, grateful for its newfound trust. "Thank you," I said sincerely. "I promise to do everything in my power to protect you and your companions."

I then touched the elder flower as I felt it regain its health.

Its petals swayed gently in the night breeze, and then I started hearing whispers from the others.

"She helped the eldest, must we help her too?" There were many voices, and I felt a bit dizzy hearing them all.

I must have overused my powers.

Then the sun started to rise, and I realized how late I had been here.

"Little girl." I heard the eldest flower say, "If you go some steps into that forest, you will find orange flowers of Tangerine Twilight under the big bushes of the brown linges. Come and take its petals every day and it will earn you a good fortune."

No way!

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