"You see?!" he burst out, an accusing finger pointed in my direction at he faced Hunter, "You see that?! I've been dealing with his sappy ass all week."

"Oh, can it, will you?" I scoffed at him as I typed out a message.

R: call me when you need to bury the body

I caught the time on the screen and jumped up. I was supposed to pick Isabelle up for a sleepover today, and there was something I wanted to do before I left.

I started peeling off my sweat drenched kit, not wanting to be late. Hunter cleared his throat before saying, "Ah, Ron? Can we talk a minute?"

The smile from his face was gone when I turned around. Mason and Hunter both seemed tense, a doubtful look passing between them, and I immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked plainly, not wanting them to beat around the bush. They were both quiet for a few moments as they stared each other down, and I realised they were silently battling on who would tell me. Eventually, Hunter lost and turned back to me with a grimace.

"We thought it would be better not to tell you at first," Hunter scratched his jaw, a sign that he was anxious, "But we realised that that would only do more harm than good."

I was silent as he spoke, unsure of what the problem could be, and waited for him to further elaborate.

"It, ah. It's Siobhan," Hunter finally said, "She texted me the other day-saying that she needed to talk to you and stuff."

Both of my friends watched me carefully, wanting to take in my reaction and see if I was still hurt by the mention of the woman that had broken my heart. I felt a chilling numbness spread through my body, and my features harden.

"About?" The single word came out harsher than I thought it would. Mason winced at the bitterness in my voice.

"Apparently, she has some evidence that she didn't..." Hunter trailed off, unsure of how to say it. I couldn't blame him; last time we discussed this topic, I had ended up so angry I didn't talk to anyone for the remainder of that day. Hunter clearly didn't want a repeat of that.

"Cheat on you," Mason finished for him. Unlike Hunter, Mason was a rip the band aid off kind of guy. He was straight forward and blunt, and while I appreciated it, there were times he caused more damage that he realised. Thankfully, this wasn't one of those times.

"Yeah, that," Hunter added awkwardly, pointing a finger at our friend. Now, both of them looked at me expectantly, waiting for my verdict. My mind whirled as I thought of what to do. Interacting with Siobhan was the last thing I wanted. It had taken me months to snap out of the heart broken daze she'd left me in, and truth be told, too much had happened between us for me to want to get back together with her.

"There's nothing left for her to say," I eventually told my friends, unsure of how else to explain how I felt.

I knew there was a small chance that the evidence she had, whatever it was, might be legit, but it wouldn't change things for me. Not now, not anymore. I had learned long ago not to reopen closed doors.

"I think," Hunter slowly said, "if that was the case, she wouldn't have begged me to ask you."

I narrowed my eyes at Hunter, who seemed to sense my disapproval and took a step back. He didn't, however, back down from his argument.

"Honestly Ron? I think she just needs some closure. It'll help her move on, you know?" he explained, "If you have it out with her, she won't have any excuses left to keep calling for your attention. And you guys were friends for years," Hunter added, "Just think about it, yeah?"

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