Chapter 5

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"Why is there a sewer in the Amazon?" Kevin asked as we trudged through the wet and dark tunnel. "Also, why is it so wet and dark? KT?"

"Currently, I feel that speaking with you is going to lower my IQ so I'd rather keep silent." I said while feeling that urge to hit someone. I listened to Keith snickering in the dark and the urge to hit someone went from 10 to 50 immediately. I breathed deeply for a couple of seconds before finally calming down.

"Why does it feel like KT is the villain boss that is hiding among the protagonists." I heard Kevin whispering to Keith which caused me to pause my steps.

I turned around to face the two of them with a particular bright smile on my face, "Do you know what the villain boss would do in such a situation."

"No." Kevin answered while shuffling to stand behind Keith.

"Well.... I for one would find a very tough vine, this is the Amazon they are everywhere, and use it to slowly and silently strangulate you. Then I would quietly leave your corpse here to decay and see the end of time. What do you think? Doesn't it sound very fun?" I asked in a low voice while maintaining my smile.

"You sound too convincing." Keith said breaking the threatening atmosphere, "Even I feel a bit afraid."

I smiled at him warmly and turned my back to them. I wonder how they would react if they found out that I'm really capable of doing what I just said, not to Kevin though. Even I don't understand how much of a threat I am at times.

We walked for a while before I found what I was looking for. A worn-out key chain hanging from a dried-out vine. "We're here."

I started pulling out the dry vines which didn't take much strength and fell down almost immediately. Behind the vines was finger print sensor and a pupil scanner. I pressed my palm on the sensor and scanned my pupils at the same time, not a second less and nothing more. The door slowly opened and I walked in first followed by Keith, then Kevin. The door closed behind us and the automatic light immediately turned on.

"Doc? Are you here? It's KT." I yelled while looking around the extremely messy room.

"Of course it's you. Except me you're the only other person with access to this place." Came the accent unique to South America.

"Then........ Should I feel honored or humiliated." I asked with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Whatever you want." The person rolled from under the broken down mahogany table and stood up while wiping the dust off from his washed out jeans and T-shirt. His face was covered with overgrown beard and hair which made him look like a societal outcast.

"I know that you've escaped from the world but don't tell me you forgot to bring a couple of shavers along with you while running away." I told him, with dislike lacing my tone, "Or a couple of knives, or something."

"Can you not embarrass me in front of your friends." He asked with some embarrassment.

"Right." I decided to change the topic, "I'm curious, if you're so sure that I'm the only other person with access to your hideout then while did you hide under the table."

"A person can never be too careful. Who knows, maybe Lucifer somehow found out and tortured it out of you." The unkempt man said while making himself comfortable on the equally unkempt couch.

"I love your optimism." I concurred with a grin.

"Sorry to break up your psycho-fest but aren't we here for a reason?" Kevin asked albeit hesitantly. Seems like he's almost back to being himself after the scare.

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