Chapter 2

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I open my eyes and was greeted by brightness comparable to the Luxor Lamp.

"Can someone turn off this freakishly bright light?" I tried to shout out but my raspy voice sounded unrecognizable. My throat felt like I got lost in the desert for days.

"Used to be loud, still loud, and will probably be loud for the rest of your life."

I opened my eyes and saw a boy entering the room and walking towards the bed with a glass of water in hand. He looked familiar, like someone I knew from my childhood. Which is really rare for me. It's like I knew him before I became face blind, like it is with Keith and Kevin.

"For someone my age? Aren't you like, my age?" I asked taking the glass from him and gulping it down without caution. I mean, if someone wanted me dead they'd just let me bleed to death than safe me only to poison me with a glass of water, right?

"Where are my brothers?"


"No, fathers. I didn't stutter, did I?"

"It was just a question, grumpy." The boy answered and sat down like he owned the place. Well, maybe he does.

"Well, listen up dopey. Here's a life lesson: families are not always blood-related." I said with an eye roll, while looking around the hospital-like room. "It's everyone responsibility to teach the younger generation."

"So, Lucifer's protege knows family business?" He asked with an I-need-you-to-beat-me-up smirk on his face.

I froze for a second before directly throwing the water glass at his face. I hurriedly did a back-roll off the bed and grabbed closest thing to me, the Luxor Lamp.

"You're good." The boy said while clapping. He doesn't think he is a Disney villain, does he?

I ignored him and exhaled deeply. With how fast I threw that glass, a normal person wouldn't have dodged it. At least not without a single scratch, but he did, which means he's clearly not a normal person. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, slowly putting the lamp down.

"You've gotten tougher and smarter than I left you, Tiki."

Oh Lord, what the daffodil???!!! Even if I have the worst case of prosopagnosia, which I don't, I'd recognize that name anywhere. I guess I should have known, there's only one person who would be so annoying. The focus here is, how the heck is he still breathing?

"Girlie? OMG..... I'm freaking out! How on earth are you still alive? I mean I thought you were dead, what are you doing here? I asked, feeling disoriented. " If it wasn't for that name of yours I wouldn't have recognised you even if they killed me."

"I told you the name was a special source of recognition but you didn't believe me." MJ quipped, causing me to smile.

"You look different, are you really my Girlie?" I asked, still feeling a bit of disbelief.

"If I wasn't, how would I have known you are Lucifer's protege. Besides, you didn't change much over there years." He said smilingly.

"First off, being 'The Protege' is something everyone in that circle or related to it knows so just to make sure of a couple things, let's have a quick Question & Answer." I said and sat down on the bed.

"Before you ask me anything, I promise that if I miss a single question of yours I will suffer the fate of being rejected by every girl I will ever like in this lifetime ." MJ said solemnly with his hands in a prayer pose.

"You really are Girlie!" I exclaimed happily. "You look really different, and the last time I saw, you were a corpse. It's been six years, how are you alive? Why are you here?"

"I recognized you on sight but you threw a glass at my face and called me stupid so I'm not in the mood to answer you." MJ said and turned around as if to leave.

I laughed and threw a pillow at his back. "You can't blame me, you called me grumpy first and it's not my fault you tried to act like a Disney villain. Also, you look so much different, and you know my situation. It's impossible to recognize you after not seeing you for six whole years. There is a gigantic difference between 9 and 13, y'know."

" I think I'm great at playing the villain." He shrugged and picked up the pillow from the ground.

"You're not...."

"I am."

"You're not."


MJ was my best friend at that place and my permanent training partner, up until he died. Or so I thought. Aside from Kevin and Keith whom I was given the chance to see everyday, MJ and I stayed together the most. He was probably the first person or baby I saw when I opened my eyes. For some unknown reason, MJ and I was almost never separated for the first nine years of our lives. It might seem normal but even twins have their own lives and interests. We were taught to like the same things, have the same hobbies, we ate together, trained together, and studied together. We even slept in the same room but on different beds, I guess only bathroom activities were separated, but not more than five minutes. If that's not weird, I don't know what is. But then again, everything and everyone in that place was weird.

The reply to the Question & Answer is something I made him learn, saying it was our secret code. In fact, I call him Girlie because for a really long time I thought he was a girl and no one really cared to tell me otherwise. Who could anyways, there were only people programmed according to their tasks. The person involved, if I remembered correctly, tried telling me his actual gender but was ignored many times. I made him learn the secret code at the time when I thought he was a girl so the word used was 'boy' and we had a pretty big fight, it was later that we changed it.


"Don't think I don't know that you are trying to avoid answering my questions." I told him after a few minutes of bickering. "I found out after six years that a person who is supposed to be dead is living and breathing and you expect me to just let it slide after a few minutes of distraction? Are you really that naive or do you think I am?"

"It was worth a try wasn't it?" He asked and gestured for me to follow him. "Let's go downstairs, I also have a couple of questions that I need to ask."

"Gold star for effort." I looked around as we went downstairs and I realized that for a house in the Amazon, it was really decorated luxuriously. The living room was even more exaggerated, there were luxury sofas, luxury tables, luxury sofas, luxury room dividers, and luxury paintings. Everything had money written on it, frankly, I loved it as it is either all or nothing.

I sat down besides Keith and calmly took his mug of hot cocoa from him.

"Here's yours."

I handed the mug back to Keith and took the cup out of the outstretched hands. I looked at the owner of the hands.

"Minji, remember me? We met in the forest." The girl said with a bright smile.

"The clueless and unsuspecting but cute Dumbo? I remember your voice. Thanks for the cocoa." I said and smiled at her.

"We wanted to go upstairs, you know, to prevent you trying to kill MJ." Kevin said nonchalantly and took a sip out of his mug. "Unfortunately, we got seduced by hot chocolate. Minji asked about you so we told her a bit which led to the now situation."

"I see." I said carelessly. " I guess you told her about the face thing."

"So, here are your beloved brothers. I didn't let you down did I?" MJ asked after he sat down.

"Beloved?" Kevin asked in a shrill voice. "That's a very high evaluation from you KT. Here I thought you only saw us as tool guys."

"Speak for yourself." Keith said and drank the last of his cocoa before putting down the mug on the nearest table. "Let's get down to business shall we, I'd hate to see Kevin make a fool out of himself."

"Don't make me......."

"Okay!" I yelled, interrupting Kevin. "As Keith said, let's get down to business."

Crazy Rich Teens Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora