Chapter 83 ~ Game of Masks

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(Continuing on from our last cliffhanger...Lloyd and Harumi are seen looking on at the Oni Temple behind the waterfall as Lloyd jumps over the lake and smiles.)

Lloyd: The Oni Temple... (They go inside as he looks around before jumping on a pillar. He looks back at Harumi) If the last mask is here, it won't come easily. Trust me, I've had my share of deadly tombs. Follow my every step. (Lloyd jumps on a pillar with a carving on it. It starts to crumble.) Woah! 

Harumi: Lloyd-!

Lloyd: (He quickly jumps to a safe pillar.) Okay, don't touch anything with that symbol on it. 

Harumi: (She nods as Lloyd turns around and secretly touches one. Suddenly, she gives off a fake gasp) Oh, no-

Lloyd: (He quickly looks back at her gasp) Rumi, what's wrong- (The cave then starts to rumble as he steadies himself on the pillar) What's happening?!

Harumi: I don't know! I didn't touch anything-!

Lloyd: Rumi, the exit! (He points to the exit, which starts to close.) We have to get out before- (He jumps on different pillars trying to get to the exit but almost trips) Woah!  

Harumi: No. No, no, no, no, no- (She reaches out her hand as the exit closes. She looks at Lloyd and pulls him up) Are you okay?

Lloyd: I'm fine. (He sighs, seeing the now shut exit.) Guess there's no turning back now...

(Lloyd looks behind them and continues to jump from pillar to pillar as Harumi stares at him, her eyes narrowing. Meanwhile, in the sky, the Bounty is seen flying as we hear the booming laughter of the Sons of Garmadon. We zoom onto the deck where the Ninja are tied up in vengestone.)

Cole: (Struggling against the chains) Ugh, come on...come on-

Jay: It's vengestone remember? Your super strength isn't going to work anymore, dude!

Cole: Yeah, but I still thought I would have enough strength to get us out of here. (He struggles a bit more as Jay looks at him) Okay, so I don't.  

Kai: (Shaking against the chains) Ugh, how'd they even capture us anyway?! 

Pixal: (Matter a factly) They took Baby Wu as a hostage. (Kai groans and leans his head on Nya's, grumbling) 

Cole: At least Twyla and Falcon are doing okay, right guys? (He smiles over at the table where Twyla and Falcon are caged up who tweet) Yeah, they're fine. 

Nya: If only they flew out faster, they could've warned Lloyd and helped Elenora before the Sons of Garmadon got here. 

Morro: (Muttering to himself, not paying attention to the conversaion) So that's why she wanted us to stay in the storm, she didn't want the trace program finished-

Jay: (Looks beside him) Are you still on that?!

Morro: Uh, yeah?! I swear, when we get out of here I'm gonna'- 

Zane: (Seen changed to the Samurai Mech with Pixal) It is not worth the effort, Morro. Save your strength. (Morro rolls his eyes, still grunting from the chains tightly wrapped around them)  

Cole: (Seeing Ultra Violet "playing" with Baby Wu. To Killow) If you harm one hair on his head...

Killow: You'll what? (Cole grunts as he walks up to the group) Last I checked, your team doesn't have their leaders anymore. 

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant