Chapter 63 ~ Wishmasters

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(Our chapter opens up at Dareth's studios for the Ninja where the last of the Team is seen gathered up in a circle.)

Dareth: I wish I could tell you the mission is gonna be simple. (Takes off his sunglasses.) It's not.

Cole: Uh, yeah, it is. In case no one told you, we got what we need to stop Nadakhan on the island. 

Morro: Yeah, the venom and the teapot. (Waving the items in the air with his Wind as Lloyd catches it.)

Cole: And after we go up there to save Elenora and Jay, we take care of business. (Punches his fist into his hand.) Simple.

Dareth: And when you fly your fancy Elemental Dragons up there, just how long do you think the four of you are gonna last against an entire crew of Sky Pirates?

Lloyd: I think we could last long enough to get Nadakhan captured into the teapot.

Nya: Yeah, and we got all the help we need and can hit them with brute force. The Commissioner said we'd have his department at our disposal.

Commissioner: You have my department at your disposal. (Walking up to them with his police officers.)Just say the word.

Dareth: Then the word is "Goodbye." (He paces around as everyone looks confused.) As in, we say goodbye to Jay and Elenora when they see us all coming. (He points at everyone.) No, this mission is not simple, but it's not impossible. Not without the help of a little magic. Movie magic... (Gestures to the two men.) ...Kevin, Dan, the floor is yours.

Lloyd: Who are they? Retrieval experts?

Dareth: Better. Screenwriters.

Kevin: So we got the message in the bottle from Jay that reads "Don't worry about me and Elenora, worry about stopping Nadakhan."

Dan: That's nice and straightforward, but very unhelpful. (Kevin then flips the letter.) What's more interesting is the message behind the message.

(Everyone stays silent as Lloyd coughs and Morro looks at Nya who shrugs just as confused.) 

Cole: (Blinks.) Uh, you've lost us.

Kevin: Well, he wrote the message on the blueprints of one of their vehicles, a Raid Zeppelin.

Dan: So we suggest we use a little movie magic to recreate one of their ships so you can blend into their fleet.

Kevin: Then, after our costumer disguises you as Sky Pirates and an acting coach teaches you their dialect to pass undetected—

Lloyd: (Bad accent, hands raised) Arr, ye matey. We be becoming pirates! (Everyone looks at him.) 

Morro: (Crosses his arms.) We're doomed.

Kevin: (Laughs nervously.) Okay, um, thinking on the fly. The green one can't do dialects.

Dan: The mute Sky Pirate.

Kevin: Yeah, that's it!

Cole: So, what, are we getting Soto in here or something?

Kevin: Unfortunately, we couldn't find him, so you'll have to do with our professional dialect couch. (He gestures to a guy who waves.)

Dan: Next! After we get you close enough. 

Morro: Uh, we don't even know where Nadakhan is keeping Elenora and Jay- (Dareth points at the T.V. with Gayle Gossip's prior newcast.) Continue.

♥ ☯ T͆͒̕𝖍𝖊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝓦𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖋 N̸͓͉̙̐̿͒𝖎𝖓𝖏𝖆𝖌𝖔 ☯ ♦Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat