Chapter 24

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I thought about Malfoy all night, falling asleep to the replaying image of his letter.

I woke to a snoring Sophia, my eyes felt heavy and my brain foggy, I looked around to see that it was 5 am, and I only slept a couple of hours. I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. I lay down, adjusting myself on his bed, the bed I had slept on three times now. I closed my eyes as the memories of us came back, how I made him watch a muggle movie, his smile, his beautiful hair falling over his forehead, the way his arms tightened around my torso, how his touch me feel and I started imagining Malfoy next to me, and I could feel heat grow between my thighs by the thought of him. My thoughts went on and on about him, until I could feel more than heat between my thighs. God, what is he doing to me?

I opened my eyes and they flickered to the clock, 05:30, what the hell is wrong with me, how could I just lay there and think, fantasize about him for thirty minutes?

I sneaked out of the bed, stepping as lightly as possible on the floor, trying to make no sound, Sophia looked peaceful, and I didn't want to wake her up. I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door, peeking to see that she was still asleep.

I take my clothes off, washing them and spell-drying them before I jump in the shower. I glance through Malfoy's products, all of them being either minty or apple-scented, specifically green apple. I scrub my body and massage the apple-scented shampoo in my hair, the familiar scent sending shivers down my back. It was a long shower, my body yearned for the hot water, every drop warming my body.

I dried myself off as well as my hair and rubbed some body lotion all over my body. I got back in my clothes and quietly walked out of the bathroom, Sophia still being asleep. How I wish that was me.

I walked over to the desk, and my eyes glanced over the letter again, my heart skipping a beat, and I couldn't help but smile as the butterflies made their way to my stomach, I felt joyous, he wanted to ask me, fucking shit, Diggory, god now I understand why he dislikes him.

I look around his belongings, just out of boredom and curiosity, nothing interesting is hidden, not that I can see or find something. I fiddle with my rings whilst getting lost in my head, every ring reminding me of something or someone, my heart weakening at the touch of my Nan's ring, but anger flushing in as I remember how my mother kept her sickness a secret, how she robbed me of my last moments with her.

'Yawn' I turn my head around to see Sophia sitting on the bed, stretching out "Morning Soph" I say whilst she is still yawning "Mooorning Y/n" She yawns again and shakes her head to wake her brain up "How long have you been awake?" She makes her way out of bed and towards me "Little over an hour" I say as her eyes widen and she sniffs a bit around me with a weird expression "Showered since you smell like Malfoy?" she asks, or points out as a smile creeps up on her lip "Y/n Malfoy, sounds good doesn't it, will your future babies inherit your eyes and his hair, uuh yes the prettiest babies" she jumps around in excitement.

My cheeks heating up a bit, I shake my head "Where does your energy come from this early?" I change the subject, but she is right about how his last name sounds, Y/n Malfoy. I pinch myself mentally at the thought, stop.

"I am not grumpy in the morning like you are" she teases letting go of the Malfoy thing, one thing I love about Sophia is how she respects privacy.

We stayed in his dorm for a while, it seemed as if Sophia was in a much better mood, which made me ecstatic. It was around 9 am when someone knocked on the door "Come in" I yelled as the door opened to a platinum blonde boy holding a tray "Good morning ladies" Malfoy said as he closed the door with his leg. I was taken aback by the gesture, it seemed unreal, very unlike him.

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