Chapter 12

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I had avoided Malfoy the whole week, and Pansy had teased me about it every second of every day. She was pestering me so bloody much.

I woke up Saturday, and that meant another tutor lesson with Malfoy, fuck me. I didn't want to see him after last week, but because of my idiotic Professor, I had to.

It was a long day, too long, I was so anxious and it was the only thing in my mind the whole day.
Pansy of course went on and on about how I would come back purple everywhere, she really knew how to piss me off. "Have you learned the spell to prevent pregnancy" she whispered whilst we were sitting with Blaise and Theo. I should've hexed her right there, I elbowed her in the stomach, Theo and Blaise not noticing since they were staring at some older Slytherin girls.

As we sat there, Greengrass came, I had never met a person who vexed me more than her. "Have you seen my boyfriend?" she asked with a big smile on her lips, no right mind would ever be with her, we looked up at her "Who the hell would be with you?" Pansy asked "Jealous of me and my Drakey boo" Greengrass spat, it was clear that Pansy's comment bothered her "Malfoy?" Blaise asked as he looked worried at Theo.

I was shocked, I thought Malfoy despised her, and I felt my heart sink for a moment "You okay?" Pansy asked whilst we walked outside, "Why wouldn't I be?" I hissed. To be honest I was pretty upset, I didn't want to be upset but I was, it bothered me, at least he got with someone as annoying as him.

I took a long shower to relax, why did it bother me so much that he was with Greengrass? I got ready, put on some cherry chapstick and curled my lashes before walking towards the potions classroom.

I entered, and it was empty. I did get there a little early so I just sat down and started to read my notes from last time.

I heard the door creak, and slam shut as it locked "Couldn't wait to see me" Malfoy said as he sat down next to me, I didn't look at him, didn't give him a reaction, "Should we start?" I asked as I kept my gaze on my notes. He didn't reply, he got up and gathered everything we needed on one of the desks. I didn't say a word to him, I either nodded or shook my head.

About an hour later he got frustrated, he kept on talking and talking and I kept on keeping my mouth shut "Didn't know shutting you up last time would mean shutting you up for good" he said, I didn't reply I just glared at him, "What the actual fuck is up with you?" He yelled. I looked at him, "Greengrass" I said as I smiled and looked away.

"What about her?" He asked as his voice calmed down. Why did he have to act this bloody stupid, "You should know since she is your girlfriend" I whispered as I tried focusing on brewing a shrinking antidote "What the fuck are you on about, girlfriend?" He spat as he grabbed my arm twisting me around, he grabbed my head so we had eye contact "Drakey boo" was the only thing I said as he glared "Don't you ever call me that" he yelled, "Right only Greengrass I allowed" I hissed at him, glaring. I wanted to hex him, to hit him, destroy him, how did he manage to make me feel this way?

"I hate that stupid bitch" he said as he leaned closer "That's not what she told us today" I said with a wide smile across my face "What the fuck did she say?" He yelled, his voice filled with anger like he resented her "She asked us if we had seen her boyfriend, her 'Drakey Boo'", as I said that he let go of me and walked back and forth in frustration "And you believe that pest" he spat "Thought you had noticed how I avoided her, pushed her away, cursed her" he said, as he walked back to me

"You really think I would ever get with her?" He asked as he stared through my soul "So you didn't?" I asked, which pissed him off even more "I would rather get with that mudblood friend of yours than that fucking conniving pest" he hissed "Granger, not fucking mudblood, it is bloody Granger" I hissed at him "Don't you dare call her a mudblood again" I yelled as a smirk formed on his lips "I will call her whatever I will" he spat, "Just shut the fuck up" I yelled, his smirk getting even bigger "Make me" he demanded.

Hateful desiresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon