Chapter 10

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I know the last chapter was short, and I am sorry if you had expected for Draco and Y/n to bond more, or even kiss but just keep reading, you will love it, maybe hate it, or both;)

Enjoy Love - S

As the weeks went by, Malfoy and I started going back to our old ways. He bickered and kept on picking on me, bullying me, I just spat back at him, cursing him and embarrassing him.
What did I ever see in him, why did I ever think he was nice, when he was and always had been the biggest douche to walk this earth.

Yule break came and I left Hogwarts, for the first time during Yule, to stay with my nan.
She said that she had something waiting for me, but she wanted to wait to give it to me, I didn't know why. I was happy, not thinking about anything that had happened these past months, trying to forget my dreams about the mystery boy, my trip to Hogsmeade with Malfoy, just everything.

"Darling, will you be a sweetie and help me" My nan yelled gently, from the kitchen "Of course Nan", I walked towards her, seeing her struggle with opening a jar of jam "Can you open it for me, darling," she asked, my nan was strong, she normally did everything herself, as well as running and staying fit. But since I had arrived, I had noticed that she seemed weaker, but I didn't really think about it.

My mother had been staying at my nan's since summer, she left a couple of days ago, she needed to attend some meeting in Paris with my father. So it was just me and my nan, and I really enjoyed having some alone time with her. She made me breakfast every morning, and we made lunch and dinner together, went on walks, to the beach, and shopped a little, but we didn't go on runs anymore, and she became tired faster than usual.

The last day before I had to return to Hogwarts, we stayed in, baking cookies and playing board games. When we finished our last game, she handed over a small wrapped box. "This is for you darling" she said as she kissed me on the head, I opened it and it was the most beautiful ring, it was her ring. It was my initial, filled with diamonds, handmade, the ring base gold, it was wide with some small designs "Oh I love it, thank you Nan" I hugged her tightly like it was the last time I would see her, I put it on and it fit perfectly "I am never taking it off" I said, as I hugged her.

We said goodnight and I went up to my room. I was a little sad about leaving my nan, excited by going to Hogwarts but the thought of seeing Malfoy again made my stomach churn. I fell asleep pretty quickly

I was out by a beautiful lake, the sun was shining, and I could smell the flowers that surrounded me, it was calming, and I was happy. I could feel a hand around my shoulder, just stroking my shoulder gently. My stomach was filled with butterflies, I felt like I belonged here, but out of nowhere it started storming, the hand on my shoulder was gone and I felt a pit in my stomach, I felt empty.

And I woke up, my body trembling, still feeling the pit in my stomach. I got up and showered. I curled my lashes and put on some cherry chapstick.

I walked down to the kitchen, and the smell of pancakes filled the whole mansion. As I got to the kitchen, I saw my nan and my mother talking, it looked pretty serious, my mother noticed me standing there "Oh hi sweetheart, ready to for school?" she said as she walked over to me and embraced me into a hug "Yes, I can't wait" I said as I sat down to eat.

We sat there eating, I tried coffee for the first time, it was amazing, I obviously had a large amount of sugar in it and some milk. It woke me up fast. After breakfast, we flooed to the station, and they waved me off as I walked up to the train, something fell off but I didn't think about it.

When I entered I immediately wandered from compartment to compartment on the look for Pansy.

As I opened the last one, she was sitting there with Sophia, Blaise, Theo and of course Malfoy too. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him and immediately hugged Pansy and Sophia. I bought them all some presents for Yule, even though I didn't celebrate it.

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