Chapter 19

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The weeks flew by, I had managed to yet again avoid Malfoy and also Matheo. I sat with either Harry, Ron and Hermione where of course Pansy followed, or with Diggory.

I had started to become quite close with him, but I would of course cheer for Harry, he has been my friend for a long time, and I am way closer to him than Diggory.

Everyone talked about the Yule ball, even though it was in months. I didn't really know if I would go, maybe with Pansy, maybe I would just stay at my dorm read some book or watch a movie.

I had already been asked by a few boys from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but declined them saying I wasn't sure if I was going, also since I didn't really know them. 

There was a lot of talk about Harry, the chosen one, cheating his way into the tournament, but I knew that he didn't, that he really didn't want to. I talked with him and Hermione about it a lot, and he was pissed off by all the rumours going around, and of course pissed off since, Ron, didn't believe him, and turned his back on Harry. I felt pretty bad about it, but Ron really was an idiot and a prick, he was jealous, always jealous of Harry, and Harry didn't deserve that.

I had stopped the tutoring lessons with Malfoy, but Snape didn't know, and he would be pretty mad about it too, I hope he doesn't find out.

It had started to get cold, and it was the end of October when I woke up to a screaming Pansy.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N GET UP" Pansy yelled as she threw water at me "What the fuck Pansy" I yelled, I was mad, furious "WHAT", "You will never guess who asked me to be their Yule-ball date" she yelled happily, there went my date.

"Hagrid?" I asked as she frowned and threw a pillow in my face "No, bloody hell, not a disgusting oaf like him, what the fuck" she spat as I laughed, I found her reaction hilarious, yes I liked Hagrid, he was nice, but I knew that almost every Slytherin hated him, including Pansy.

"I am not going to tell you now, bitch" Pansy hissed as she turned around her head crossing her arms, "Fine by me" I said, getting up to take a shower and freshen up. I heard her mumble something under her breath, but I ignored it, Pansy could wait, she knew that I was not a morning person, hell, I was a pissed morning person if anything.

I took a long warm shower, I was shivering, it was bloody cold in our dorm. I dry-spelt my hair, put some vanilla lotion on, curled my lashes and added a bit of mascara, filled my brows in a little, put some cherry chapstick on and my Cherry-Vanilla-Coffee scented perfume on, Black opium. It smelled amazing, I smelled amazing.

I walked out and saw that Pansy had already left, rude. I quickly changed into some loose jeans, a sweater and my robes, and walked towards the Great Hall.

Just before the Great Hall, I heard some giggling and mumbles from the corner, I peeked, and saw Greengrass, with, I couldn't really see with whom. My heart started beating a little faster, and deep inside I hoped it wasn't Malfoy, but to my disappointment, it was Malfoy, his face showed no emotion, just cold. He was leaning against the wall, while Greengrass was pushing herself on him, or at least her body, he just mumbled some words and kept on pushing her off, until his eyes glanced over to where I was standing, I could see a smirk and he wrapped his arm around her. That hurt.

Whatever, why should I care, he is just a lousy little prick, not a fucking arse. I walked away, towards the Great Hall before getting stopped by the other boy I had been avoiding.

"Hey princess, you've been avoiding me?" Matheo said, he seemed sad, "No" I hesitated as his eyes locked into mine, and he gave me that 'yeah right' look, "Sorry, I just needed time for myself," I said as he nodded, he seemed disappointed "Want to sit with me and my friends?" I felt bad, he was really sweet, he had helped me, and saved me from Cormac and I just tossed him to the side like he was nothing.

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